Chapter 3: Lazy's dream

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Smurfette: Hi Lazy, what're you doin'?

Lazy: *yawn* Just napping Smurfette.

Smurfette: Oh, okay.

Lazy was too tired to do anything but sleep so he was fast asleep.

(Lazy's dream)

Lazy: What's going on?

Papa: Lazy, what are you doing?

Lazy: oh, hi Papa Smurf, I just woke up from a really good nap.

Papa: Come on, let's get to work.

Lazy: uh, Yes Papa Smurf.

Lazy (thinking): I don't know why we smurfs always have to do nothing but work, work, work, work, work, and more work!

Smurfette (singing): La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Smurfette was painting her house.

Lazy: Maybe instead of working, I can try being a hero like Don Smurfo is! Perfect!!

Smurfette: Oh, it's a beautiful day in Smurf Village. I love warm days! Oh HELP!

Smurfette was on the roof of her house painting but the ladder fell causing her to hang onto the window!

Smurfette: HELP!!!!

Lazy: *Gasp* Smurfette's in trouble, now's my chance. Don't worry Smurfette, I'm coming!

Smurfette: Lazy, it's not that big of a deal when you're just hanging on the outside of a window only a few feet above from the ground. I'll be- *Gasp* Oh no, I'm slipping!

Lazy: I've got you Smurfette!

Smurfette fell but Lazy tried to catch her but this sent both of them tumbling.

Lazy: Are you alright?

Smurfette: I'm fine Lazy. Ugh, thanks for the help.

Lazy: That won't work. I need something more extreme than just falling from a roof. That's not even extreme at all. Maybe if Gargamel or any other villain comes into Smurf Village and if Smurfette is taken, I can try and save her. That'll make Papa Smurf very proud!


Lazy: *Gasp* It's Gargamel! This would be a good time

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Lazy: *Gasp* It's Gargamel! This would be a good time. SMURFETTE, LOOK OUT!!!!

Smurfette was now picking flowers and Gargamel was behind her.

Smurfette: Oh don't be silly Lazy, I know you're joking.

Jokey: Hey! That's my job!

Gargamel: Azrael, just wait for my signal to pounce. Ready... NOW!!

Azrael: Reow, Reow (ha, ha)

Smurfette turned around just in time to be pounced by Azrael.

Smurfette (thinking): Ugh, I should've listen to Lazy. He was right! 

Lazy: *Gasp* I've got to save Smurfette! But how? Hmm... I got it! I'll take Gargamel by surprise!

Lazy followed Gargamel to his hut and peeked through the window.

Gargamel: Well, well Smurfette. How would like to be evil like me again?

Smurfette didn't answer. She just wanted to escape Gargamel.

Gargamel: I'll take that as a "yes." Okay, Azrael, let's get to work. You'll have someone to play with as soon as I'm done making this potion and I drop her in it. Then she'll be as nasty as I am.

Smurfette: No, NO! PLEASE NO!!! 

Gargamel (mocking): "Yes, Yes. Please yes!"

Lazy: Hey, Gargamel! Let her go!

Gargamel: Let her go? Anything you say.

Lazy took off to rescue Smurfette, but he was too late. Gargamel had already dropped her into the potion!

Smurfette: Lazy! HELP!!!

Lazy: Smurfette! I'm Coming! 

Gargamel: You're going into the potion too.

Lazy: NOOOOO!!!

(End of Lazy's dream)

Handy & Smurfette: Lazy, Lazy!!! Wake up!

Lazy: NO! NO! Smurfette! She's evil again!

Lazy woke up

Lazy: OH Smurfette. I'm so glad you're okay!!!

Smurfette: Huh? Lazy, of course I'm fine. What're you talking about?

Lazy: *GASP* It must've been all a dream! I thought Gargamel caught you and you turned evil.

Smurfette: Oh. That's okay Lazy. I have those dream too. Just not all the time. Only once in awhile.

Handy: Come on guys. Let's smurf back to the village. We need to smurf our work smurfing. 

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