Chapter 8: Handy rescues Wild

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Papa: Alright my smurfs! Wild's been smurfnapped by Gargamel and we must hurry to save him! I need Jokey, Hefty, Handy, Brainy, Grouchy, Vanity, and Smurfette to smurf with me

Grandpa volunteered to be in charge and Papa agreed.

Sassette: Can me and the Smurflings come, too Pappy Smurf?

Papa: Hmm... Yes but stay with me. It's dangerous.

Snappy: Smurf-a-roo!

The smurfs headed off to Gargamel's.

Handy: I'm feeling kinda worried about Wild Papa Smurf.

Papa: Wild should be okay... I hope.

Grouchy: I hate "I hope!"

Smurfette, Vanity, and Handy: Oh Grouchy.

Papa: Here we are my little Smurfs.

Smurfette: Oh, boo-hoo! I'm so worried about poor Wild!

Papa: We'll get him outta there eventually Smurfette.


Gargamel: Let's prepare dinner Azrael!

Azrael: Reow! (Yeah)

Wild tried to call out for help but Gargamel tried to keep him silent!

Gargamel: Quiet you little blue fool! I'm trying to concentrate


Papa: Gargamel, let him go!

Gargamel: "Let him go?" Whatever you say Papa Smurf!

Handy: Wild I'm coming!

Without any warning, Handy used one of his inventions to save Wild and stop Gargamel. The Smurfs cheered!

Snappy: Smurf-a-roo Handy! That was amazing!!!

Handy blushed, he felt proud of himself.

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