Chapter 6: Hogatha's Horrible Plan

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In a palace far away lived a wicked witch named Hogatha, just like Gargamel, the whether there was always horrible (mostly rainy). She was working on an enchanted potion.

Hogatha: I really need a servant girl to work for me. This time, I'm working on a potion that'll put that disgusting blue female smurf to sleep and when she wakes up when it wears off, she'll find herself in my palace! HA HA HA!!!! Wait until I see the look on her face when she arrives. (snort, snort)

Hogatha poured the  the potion in an empty perfume bottle and headed off to the forest.

Hogatha poured the  the potion in an empty perfume bottle and headed off to the forest

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Papa: Alright smurfs, I think you smurfed long enough. You can be done for the day.

Smurfs: YAAAAAAY!!!!

Grouchy: I hate yay.

Smurfette: I sure wish Grouchy would learn to be happy. Now, what should I do today? Paint? Take a walk? Pick flowers? Read a book? Ah, I'll go for a walk!

Grouchy: Good, I'm glad she's gone. ... NO WAIT, I ACTUALLY HATE WHEN SMURFS LEAVE THE VILLAGE!!!! 

Smurfette: Dum-de-dum-de-dum. *Gasp* Ooh.

Smurfette noticed the perfume bottle that Hogatha left behind, but she didn't know that it was hers and that it was a trick.

Smurfette: This might be perfume, I'll try it.

She tried the "perfume" not knowing it was a potion.

Smurfette: I can't wait to- Oh boy, why am I feeling so dizzy?

Smurfette soon fell into a deep sleep.

1 hour later...

Smurfette awakens.

Smurfette: Huh? Is this-

Hogatha: My palace? You're my servant now. You're gonna work for me from now on!!!

Smurfette: I won't do it!

Hogatha: You have no choice dear! Now, first, you must sweep my floors.

Smurfette: NO!

Hogatha: Then I'll make you!!!


Handy: Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf!

Papa: What's wrong Handy?

Handy: It's Smurfette, she went into the forest a while ago, but now I can't find her.

Papa: Great Smurf! Can you show me where you saw her?

Handy, Harmony, and Papa Smurf went into the woods to find Smurfette.

Handy: She was over here Papa Smurf.

Papa: Hmm. This bottle looks familiar.

Handy: Th-that m-m-must be... HOGATHA'S!!!!

Freaked out, Handy fell backwards.

Papa: Then maybe she took Smurfette! Harmony, go to the village and call an emergency.

Harmony: uh, ay-ay Papa Smurf!

The other smurfs heard Harmony's trumpet.

Vanity: What's going on?

Brainy: It's an emergency, let's go!

Papa: Smurfs, I have bad news (holds up perfume bottle): Smurfette been smurfnapped by Hogatha, I took a look in this bottle, it's not what you think. It's a potion.

Smurfs: Smurfette's been smurfnapped?

Papa: Yes and we must go save her. Handy, since you found out that Smurfette is gone, you'll smurf with me.

Handy: Sure Papa Smurf.

Papa: I also want Hefty, Vanity, Clumsy, Grouchy, and Jokey to smurf with me

Vanity: Okay. Just nobody break my mirror.

Brainy: Whatever you say Vanity.

Papa: Brainy, this once I'm putting you in charge. I'm trusting you to do well. If you do, I'll let you be in charge whenever I'm gone, if not, I won't trust you to be in charge anymore.

Brainy: Yes, Papa Smurf.

Nosey: Hmm, what's going on over here?

Smurfs: None of your business Nosey! 

Nosey: Huh. Well, alright.


Hogatha: Now, do my laundry!

Smurfette was tired and faint.

Smurfette: *Pant, pant* I swept your floors, polished your locket, fed your bird, etc. Can I take a break or just go home?

Hogatha: No, you'll have to work nonstop!

Smurfette: Then I'm through! I'm going home. I never want to see you again. GOODBYE!!!

Hogatha: You're not going anywhere deary! You're staying with me. (Puts her in a cage)

Smurfette (really cross): Why you evil put-in-slavery witch, LET ME GO! Papa Smurf will come save me!

Hogatha: Really? Exactly when?

Papa: Hogatha, let her go!

Hefty: Let me at 'er! Let me at 'er!

Handy: Slow down Hefty! 

Hogatha: What?

Smurfette: Papa Smurf!

Hogatha: How did he get here?

Handy drops a jar on Hogatha's head.

Hogatha: HEY!!!

Jokey: I'll getcha out Smurfette.

Papa: Hurry my little smurfs!

Hogatha: Not so fast! (grabs Smurfette)

Smurfette: Help! If you're gonna keep me as your slave, fine! I'd be happy to... NOT work for you. Now, I'll take that. (snatches locket)

Smurfette had realized that the locket was causing her to do non-stop work. It was a spell.

Hogatha: NO! Not my locket.

Smurfette tosses the locket to Papa Smurf who breaks it.

Papa: These powers are nothing but trouble!

Hefty: Yeah

Vanity: They don't make me look beautiful at all.

Handy: Ugh.

Grouchy: I hate "ugh." I hate trouble too.

Papa: Let's go my smurfs.

Handy: We're glad you're okay Smurfette.

Smurfette: Me too. Next time, I'll make sure something's okay to use before actually using it.

Papa: Smurfette, I think that's a smurfy idea.

Hefty: I think so too. When I get back, I'm doing more exercising.

Smurfette giggled.

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