Chapter 21: Overworked Handy

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Idea taken from Gormandizing Greedy

A terrible banging noise kept all the Smurfs in the village awake. It was coming from Greedy's house.

Lazy: Can't a Smurf get any sleep?!

Hefty: What's smurfing on over there?!

Greedy: Sorry, guys, that's Handy fixing my oven!

Jokey: *giggles* Handy's at it again!

Hefty: That's the 6th time! Handy's been working his tail off for days!

Handy: I'm fine, Hefty! It's all in a day's work!

Hefty: How about you take your own advice and take a break?! It's the middle of the night!

Smurfette: Hefty's right, Handy, you're working too hard!

Handy: Nonsense, Smurfette, there's no such thing as working too hard!


All the Smurfs were exhausted the next day, they hadn't gotten any sleep due to the loud banging. Lately, Handy had been working a lot more than usual but he wasn't even bothered by it. He wasn't even overworked. Hefty got a little frustrated when he saw his best friend sawing wood.

Hefty: Alright, Handy, you're smurfing with me!

Handy: Wait, what?!

Hefty dragged Handy to the forest where some of the other Smurfs were playing Smurfball.

Handy: But Hefty-

Hefty: Try not to think about working for once and come have fun!

Handy: Fine...

For a while, the game went well, but it had a huge delay when Hefty passed the ball to Handy.

Hefty: Come on, Handy, kick it and score the winning point!

Just as Handy was about to kick the ball, he looked at the net and an idea started flowing in his head.

Handy: Of course! I could build something similar but maybe lower the top by 60 degrees! This would-

Smurfette: Handy!

The ball was stolen and the other team won.

Hefty: What was that, Handy?! You spaced out and started smurfing to yourself!

Handy: Sorry, but I got a really smurfy idea! You see-

Hefty: *face palms* Nevermind!

The other Smurfs went back to the village.

Handy: Gee, I thought they'd be more excited.


A little later, Handy sat on a log, watching Baby Smurf play; he had been asked to watch him for a while.

Handy: You would think every smurf would like my inventions, they seem unenthused.

Baby: *giggles*

Handy suddenly caught sight of the Smurflings running in circles trying to chase a muddy Puppy.

Nat: Come on, Puppy, it's time for you to take your bath!

Sassette: Filthy Ferrets, Puppy sure hates his baths!

Handy started getting inspired again, perhaps he could build something similar.

Handy: I've got it! Something that spins just like that, maybe even have some animals on it!

But as he was brainstorming, Baby wandered off and he didn't even notice. Smurfette noticed him wandering into the forest and picked him up before he got any further. Then she aggressively approached Handy.

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