Chapter 5: Best birthday Pt. 2

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Smurfette walked passed her house. Sassette and Snappy peaked out the window on her door and saw her passing by.

Sassette: Pappy Smurf, PAPPY SMURF!!! Smurfette just passed by her surprise!

Papa: She did? Every Smurf, hide! I have a plan.

Everyone except Papa Smurf quickly chose a place to hide.

Snappy: What about you, Papa Smurf? Are you gonna hide?

Papa: No, I'll bring her over. The rest of you, stay where you are.

Smurfs: Yes Papa Smurf.

Handy hid under Smurfette's bed with Baby. Baby seemed to enjoy hiding and he started giggling with excitement.

Handy: Shhh. We don't want Smurfette to hear.

Baby: Oooh!

Smurfette: Oh dear. Did the Smurfs forget about my birthday? They must all be busy.

Papa: Hi Smurfette!

Smurfette: Oh, hi Papa Smurf

Papa: Come on, there's something I want to show you.

When they were close to her house, Papa Smurf walked behind Smurfette and covered her eyes.

Smurfette: Oh! Papa Smurf, What's going on

Papa: Oh, well... It's nothing Smurfette. You'll see

Hefty: They're coming, be ready everyone. Wait for my signal.

Clumsy: Uh, you can count on us, Hefty.

Smurfette walked into her house to find nothing but how it usually is.

Smurfette: Hello? That's funny. Where are all the other Smurfs? I spent all day looking for them.

As soon as Smurfette was about to leave-


Smurfette: *Gasp* Oh my smurfness! You all remembered! I thought you all forgot.

Handy: Smurfette, we'd never forget your birthday. We'll always remember.

Smurfette shed joyful tears.

Smurfette: *Sniff* Really?

Handy: Of course!

Grouchy: I hate-er-uh, I love Smurfette.

Smurfette was looking forward to opening her presents and the time finally came. She opened Jokey's present first and- KHABLOOY!!! It exploded all over her face.

Jokey: Gya ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!!! You should've seen the look on your face!

Smurfette: Oh, Jokey, I still love you. You're lucky it's my birthday.

Jokey: Why?

Smurfette: Because nothing bothers me on my birthday!

Next, she opened Vanity's, pulling out a beautiful blue dress.

Smurfette: Oh Vanity, I've always wanted a new dress!

Vanity: Really?

Smurfette kissed Vanity as in thank you.

Then Hefty's present, it was fancy new shoes.

Smurfette: Oh, thanks Hefty, they're beautiful!

Hefty blushed

Then Painter's, it was a very nice portrait of her.

Painter: Zis is my latest masterpiece!

Smurfette: It's a work of art Painter! Thank you!

At the end of the day, Smurfette tucked herself in bed and fell asleep.

Smurfette(thinking): This was the best birthday ever!

Sleep tight Smurfette.

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