Making A Big Mistake

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Clairs's pov

  Looking out my window I see the young girl running towards the tall wooden fence around my land. Laughing to myself I call for jay.

"Mut, come here" he opens the door and drops to his knees and  crawls over to me. Stopping at my feet and placing his cheek on my bare foot.

"Didnt I say to help our new guest with the rules." Placing my other bare foot on his face, pressing into it with my toes. Jay didnt respond, waiting for permission to speak he shur his eyes tightly.

"Speak mut"
*Mistress I have given her 50mins to clean herself and to meet me after to talk before she comes to you.* He whimpers in pain.

 "Is that so, so tell me why is she outside running like a wild dog to the fence." I asked sarcasticly
His eyes open quickly, shocked by my words.

 "So I take it she had bested you, I will deal with you both together. Now get the guard to bring her back..use force if they have to."

Kicking him off my foot he then crawls quickly out the door closing it. "This should be fun " I smirked

Sidney's pov

The fence is coming into sight closer and closer and I feel my legs giving out, but no I have to make it, I have to get out of here. Finally reaching the fence I notice it is wooden on the top but metal from the ground. Paying no mind to it I begin to climb to get over.

In a flash of pain throughout my body, like lighting hitting me, making me fall hard to the ground. A man stands over me grabbing me by me hair and me moves the strings from the tazer. He then  drags me back towards the house.

    Im in to much pain to even scream as my body continues to hurt as he pulls me and.
 He throws me over his shoulder and opens the door carrying me back to the living room. Dropping me hard in the same spot I started at and just walks away back outside. Looking up in so much pain I see jay kneeling next to me, head down and shaking.

   Worry begins to full my mind as I look over to the same corner she sat at. She isnt there, I relax for a second only to feel eyes on me from the staircase. I begin to cry with worry as jay shakes more and more hearing her come slowly closer to us.

Clairs's pov

I slowly stalk towards the living room taking my time as I see my new toy and my mut waiting.

"Pisk pisk, you clearly only learn the hard way dont you little dog. As for you Jay, maybe you should have explained how bad things can get to her, now you to will be punished with her." With my last step downstairs I smirk devilishly.

Her face pales as she looks at Jay as he begins to cry softly.
Standing in front of jay I grab his shoulder length black hair hard, makin him look up at me. Staring into his eyes he shakes, pleading with his eyes for forgiveness.

I laugh, he should know better, I back hand him on his left cheek hard, making him fall to the floor. Sidney stares in disbelief.
 Glairing at her as jay Lays flat on the floor, hands facedown and out stretched on the floor infront of him, face towards the floor.

 I grab sidney by her hair and begin to drag her towards the stairs, jay crawls after me eyes glued to the floor.

Sidney's pov

She drags me without mercy towards the stairs and begins to climb them. I cry and cry with pain but she just ignores me. Jay isnt any help, he clearly knows something I dont and that scares me to death. She finally reached the top of the stairs and towards a black and blood red door.

I try to pull out of her grip but I only hurt myself further. Jay crawls toward and opens the door kneeling waiting to enter. She enters without a word leaving jay and I in the hallway. I quickly look to Jay and he shakes his head signaling theres no running from this.

"Enter you waste of spaces"
Jay looks at me pleading with me to enter, he has to be crazy if he thinks Im going in there. But deep down I feel bad. Bad that he got in this situation because I ran, sighing I try to stand to enter but jay pulles me back down, crawling inside. I crawl behind him so I wouldnt get him into more trouble.

Clairs's pov

Looking at them both crawling into the room arouses me. I smirk turning around to collect my favourite tool. From the corner of my eye I see jay showing her how to kneel next to him with their Heads down. I smile knowing only one knows what is to come shortly.

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