No One Understands

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No one understands

How much pain you have to feel

To drag the blade across your skin

To try and relieve the pain.

No one understands

That the scars don't show weakness.

They show that you fought a battle Against your mind.

And you won.

No one understands 

How much you have to hate yourself

To tear apart your body

Just to feel again.

No one understands

How hard it is

To hide the scars

To hide the wounds

To hide the secrets.

No one understands

How much self-hatred you have to have

To starve yourself

To purge

To do anything and everything in your power

To be skinny

No one understands

That these things we do, 

They're our coping mechanisms

They're how we deal with our problems

Some people cut,

Some people burn,

Some people bruise,

Or scratch

Or pick at their skin

But one way or another,

They're all how we deal with our problems.

People just don't understand

No one understands 

How hard it is

To fake a smile every day

To pretend everything is okay,

When really,

Your whole world is collapsing.

No One Understands..

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