You Were All I Needed

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You were all I had

All I wanted

All I needed

You were all I could ever ask for

You made my life complete.

You weren't my only source of happiness,

But damn you made my day a million times better.

Every time I would talk to you,

It seemed like everything else was gone.

Like nothing mattered.

Like there was just you and me.

Then you left.

You said that I'm fucked up,

Fucked up and broken..

So fucked up and broken

That I hurt you.

And that broke me.

I didn't think anyone could hurt me

Worse than I had already hurt myself.

But I was wrong.

You proved me wrong.

You meant everything to me.

You still do.

I know you don't want our friendship back,

But I would do anything,


To get you back.

I didn't care that we live in different states.

That we'd never see each other.

You were my best friend.

My only friend.

You were the only thing that was keeping me here..

You were the only reason I was holding on..

The only reason I stayed..

Now that you've said there's no chance

Of you ever giving me another chance,

A chance where I could do things differently..

I'd do everything differently..,

I have no reason to keep fighting..

You were my goddamn sunshine.

My light that kept me going.

You weren't the only thing that made me happy,

But you were the biggest thing that did.

But I fucked it up..

And I'll never forgive myself for fucking up my best friend..

And the only friend I had..

I knew I was fucked up,

But I didn't realize how much I fuck other people up.

How much I hurt others.

Which is just another reason

For me to give up.

To be done.

Cause, darling, I don't deserve to live

After the things I've done.

The things I've said.

The way I've fucked things up.

I don't deserve to live.

I fucked up the best thing I had in my life.

The only thing I had.

The only thing I wanted.

The only thing I needed..

I'm sorry..

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