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I fell for you.
You fell for me, too.
But then she came along,
And you liked her more.

I understand, though.
She's prettier,
Doesn't have as many problems,
Isn't as clingy,
Isn't as annoying.

I don't blame you for leaving.
Honestly, I would leave me, too.
I mean, who could love me?
A girl who hates herself,
Who is always sad,
Who cuts herself,
Who starves herself,
Who cries every night,
Who always has something wrong,
Who is so mentally fucked up
That she can't keep a steady relationship.

A girl...
Like me.

If she makes you happy,
Then go after her.

Yes, I love you,
God, I love you so damn much,
But all I want is to see you happy.
And if that means
That I need to stay away,
Then I will.

I want nothing more than to see you happy,
And I'm sorry that I couldn't do that for you.

I know we've come a long way from where we started,
I know we've dated before,
And that it didn't work,
But this time...
This time was different...
You were opening up to me,
Talking to me about your problems,
Showing emotion,
Always being there for each other.

I thought we genuinely had something...
That this time we might actually work...
But now it's all gone...

Just yesterday,
We were laying on the floor,
Kissing each other on the cheek,
Talking about summer,
About us,
And then I said one thing,
One stupid thing...
And it messed everything up...

Then you decided you had feelings for her..
After she literally told you you're her second choice...

But it's okay,
I understand.

I'd choose her, too.

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