They're All Lies

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"I know how you feel"

That's a lie

You can't possibly know how I feel

You rarely ever talk to me anymore

"It'll all be okay, I promise"

Yep, that's a lie too

You have no goddamn idea how this is going to end.

We all have different battles.

Yeah, sure, ours may look similar,

But these are two completely different situations.

And just because they look similar,

Doesn't mean that they'll turn out the same.

Maybe another terrible thing will happen.

Maybe some goddamn miracle will happen.

No one knows.

So stop lying to me and telling me

"It'll all be okay"

And don't promise things that you can't control.

"I'm always here for you"

One of the biggest lies I've ever fucking heard.

Yeah, if you're "always here for me,"

Where were you when I needed you most?

When my whole world came crashing down?

And all I needed was for someone to hold me,

To comfort me.

Where were you when I texted you,

When I said that I just need someone to talk to?

Saying that I had a huge fight with my parents?

That it's all just too much?

That I know it's all my fault, that I created this mess, and that I deserve to die because of all of this?

So just tell me, where the hell were you when I needed you most?

They're all fucking lies.

And no matter how much we want them to be true,

They never will be.

So stop with the goddamn lies.

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