What Did I do?

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What Did I do?


Please tell me,

What I did to deserve this.

To deserve this torture.

You ignoring me,

For some reason

That you won't tell me.

I don't care what it was.

If it was 

Something stupid.

Something serious.

Something I said that offended you,

That hurt your feelings.

Is it that I text you often?

That's because I thought

I had found someone

That I could talk to.

Someone who would understand.

Is it that I say "sorry" a lot?

That is because

That's what I was taught

As a child.

To apologize for your mistakes.

To make amends.

To take responsibility for what you did.

Is it because I'm really shy?

That's because People freak me out.

It's called Social Anxiety.

You know I have Social Anxiety.

You know what it does to me.

Is it because I'm sad a lot?

That's because

I'm depressed.

You know this.

You know how close I am to killing myself.

You know how much I've changed

Since we first started talking.

You're the only one

Who knows how bad I've gotten.

Is it because I told you things?

Things that I still haven't told my mom?

That's because 

I trusted you.

And that is probably the biggest mistake 

I've ever made.

I thought you'd be there,

When I needed you,

When I was on the verge of fucking killing myself.

And now you act like you couldn't care less.

Is it because..

Because I'm me?

All I want to know,

Is what did I do?

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