Why Did I Do This...

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I can't begin to fathom

What led me to do this

To let you go


The guy

Who made me laugh

Who made me smile

Who made my days better

I don't know what made me think this was a good idea

Wow Jenna

"I need some space"

Typical fucking excuse

Way to fuck things up


I always do this.

I mess up the things that mean the most to me

The things that make me happy

That make my days better

My eyes shine brighter

Now I let you go and there's no getting you back

Ever again

You're gone

At least from my life

I hope you find someone who makes you happy

Who can be the girlfriend you deserve

But that girl isn't me

I'm not good enough

You deserve better than I can give you

And I'm sorry that I can't give you more..

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