Chapter 2

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Your POV


You have got to be kidding me.

The last person I ever wanted to see was sitting right in front of me staring at me in anger. I never understood why she felt such hatred towards me when she was the one that was at fault for everything that happened.

"Forget what I asked, I will find another seat." I said as I smiled in the most fake way I could and stepped back looking around the lecture hall for an empty seat. Just anywhere than here. I would literally rather sit in the bathroom in the university and watch this lecture through a zoom call than be here beside her.

But as I looked around, I didn't see a single seat that wasn't occupied. I let out a deep breath and looked back at the girl sitting while staring at me in disgust.

"What? Couldn't find another seat?"

"Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't still stand here beside your smelly ass." I rolled my eyes and moved to sit beside her when I saw that her bag was on the floor under the table of my seat, meaning that there wasn't room for my legs there unless she moved her bag.

"Move it."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean move the bag." I rolled my eyes and stood impatiently beside the seat, waiting for her to do something so I could finally sit down before the lecturer came in.

"And why should I?"

"Jesus fucking Christ Ryujin, just grow up and move the fucking bag." I sighed but seeing as she did nothing but smirk at me just to annoy me, I grabbed her bag off the floor and basically threw it on her lap and sat down in my seat.

Screw this.

If someone is going to act immature, sometimes you just have to step up and take over.

She gasped when I threw her bag in her lap and looked at me yet again in anger.

"Oh my God, stop with the dramatics Ryujin. It's a fucking bag and there's barely anything in it so you did not hurt yourself." I rolled my eyes for the nth time this morning and turned the other way to place my bag on the floor beside my seat. But before I did that, I could see Ryujin was about to smack me when her friend beside her quickly held her raised arm back so she wouldn't be able to do it. I could only smirk at that because I knew how annoyed she got.

"Now is not the time Ryujin..." Her friend whispered to her right when the lecturer walked inside the lecture hall. Ryujin just grumbled in response and leaned back in her seat. When she did, I could see who the other two were beside her, and I wasn't at all surprised. It was Hwang Yeji and Lee Chaeryeong, Ryujin's best friends since high school.

At least she still kept some of her friends instead of throwing them in the dirt...


Throughout the lecture, I just tried to focus on the lecturer but I could feel Ryujin's stares on me from time to time. I noticed some were of disgust but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of me acknowledging her stares, so I just tried to ignore her through it all. However, it was very difficult as I started to grow tired of it.

"Can you stop staring at me? I'm trying to focus here."

"Oh, I thought this was the zoo. Thought I would check out one of the animals."

I gasped dramatically and put my hand over my mouth. "Wow, you really are stupid. I wonder how in the hell you got accepted in this university, or just any university in general."

"Oh please, we both know I'm the smartest one here between the two of us." She said as she smirked and I knew she was hinting at something specific.

I didn't think she could stoop any lower than where she was now, but here she was... doing it again. Reminding me of the time when I had difficulty in school like no other. My parents were not that well off during that time so they couldn't provide a private tutor for me and the school didn't provide one for their students as well. So I was left with no choice but to study harder than anyone before, but when that still didn't work entirely, I got help from Ryujin. However that quickly changed.

"Wow..." I whispered in disbelief as I stared down at her. "And here I thought you couldn't stoop any lower. Guess some things never change, huh?" I scoffed as I turned my attention back to the lecturer that was telling us a bit about the exam that would happen at the end of the semester.

I could see from the corner of my eye how Ryujin looked sort of guilty but instead of saying anything back, she just turned her attention to the lecturer like me.


Hoe #1: You won't believe who is studying the same as me 😩

Edna 2.0: Who?

Hoe #1: The worst person you can think of

Edna 2.0: No way

Hoe #1: Yes way 😩

Hoe#1: Please take me out of here

Edna 2.0: Coffee?

Hoe #1: Coffee.

After texting Minjeong I walked towards the exit of the building and towards my car where I would meet her. The class ended at 11 am whereas Minjeong's ended at 12 pm, so I was just waiting an hour for her in the library watching some show on my laptop. The clock now struck 12 which meant that she would be here at any time. I was leaning against my car while waiting for Minjeong when I noticed a few people walking past and staring. At first I felt uncomfortable because I thought I had something on my face, but I quickly noticed that their stares were flirty. There were both guys and girls in that group that walked past me, and I could only smirk slightly at them but my eyes were mainly on the girls. I could hear some of their whispers when they had already walked past me.

"Damn she's hot."

"She was so into me, did you see how she was staring at me?" One of the guys said, well I assumed it was a guy based on his voice.

"What the hell do you mean? She was obviously looking at me."

"Girl, you must be blind."

"She's obviously gay, she didn't even spare a glance your way and my gaydar is always correct."

I couldn't hear any more after that as they walked further away from me. And I couldn't help the laugh that escaped from my mouth when I heard the last sentence said by one of the girls.

I am gay, and I have been lucky when it came to girls and sleeping with them, but that luck only started during senior year of high school. Not that I'm complaining, but it wasn't easy for me before senior year.

I had my fair share of girls that I had slept with... Okay, that's a lie. I have slept with plenty of girls and I am not ashamed of that, because who am I to say no to a girl that throws herself at me. Of course I have also been the one to instigate something between a girl and myself, but it wasn't that often.

Now that I am in a different city with new surroundings, I have not done anything with anyone yet and I did not plan on doing so just yet.

"Hey hoe!" Minjeong suddenly popped up in front of me making me let out a screech.

"Dude, you scared me!"

"Not my fault you're over here daydreaming." She shrugged as she walked towards the passenger side and got in the car after I unlocked it. I turned around before I got in the car when I heard a noise coming from the entrance. And there I saw another one of Ryujin's friends, Lia. Great, just great. I guess the whole gang is here...

I quickly got in the car with Minjeong and looked at her incredulously while I smacked her arm repeatedly.

"Hey quit it, I'll get a bruise." She pulled my arm away from her while I merely pointed towards the brunette that was walking towards her own car across from ours and a little further down.

"Oh yeah, Lia is here. That is what I wanted to tell you over coffee."

"Why didn't you just message me like I did to you when I saw that demon in class."

"Relax Y/NN, we'll talk about it when we get coffee, now drive!"

I huffed and started the car before reversing it and driving out of the parking and towards the closest coffee shop there is to the university.


Where Did We Go Wrong? (Shin Ryujin x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now