Chapter 4

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Your POV

The next day, I tried to avoid Ryujin and her friends as much as possible. I would rather not be close to them and have my day ruined. However, that also seemed to be a difficult task seeing as we are all in the same major.

I did meet someone else though, and we became friends immediately. Her name is Yu Jimin and she seems to be pretty cool and fun to be with. She said that she goes by the name Karina, however it would also be okay to just call her Jimin.

Today is the day where we start our dance lesson instead of having a lecture in the lecture hall. Just this thought alone made me happy and excited for what was to come from the lesson. I was sitting with Jimin and talking while we were waiting for the dance teacher and for the lesson to start. However, my excitement for the lesson was quickly ruined and replaced with anger.

"You're still here Y/N? Thought you would've been gone by now."

"And why is that?" I turned my head towards the she-devil and her friends in the back and put on the fakest smile ever, so she could see how much I disliked her presence and because I was trying to keep my composure.

"Well you obviously wouldn't want what happened in the past to happen again, now do you?"

I could feel the anger building up the more she talked to me and about what happened in the past. I noticed Karina's confused face in the corner of my eye, but that would be for later - there was no time to explain everything now.

"Do you really have such a boring life that you're targeting me all over again? Get a life Ryujin and move the fuck on, just leave me alone."

I think I hit a nerve when I mentioned her boring life, cause her expression changed slightly before it turned to anger pretty fast.

This bipolar bitch.

"Just wait and see Y/N." She winked at me and smirked before turning around and leaving with her friends.

I,however, did not like the sound of that and started panicking. This couldn't be happening. She wouldn't do that all over again, would she? Was she really that cruel to ruin my life twice?

I could feel my palms start becoming sweaty and my breathing picking up. I suddenly felt a hand lay on top of my hands and another hand turning my face, which resulted in me being face to face with Karina.

"Hey, it's okay Y/NN. Nothing happened, you're okay and I'm right here." She started patting my head and hair to try to relax me, but nothing helped.

"I need Minjeong." I quickly said as I got up and took my bag before bolting out of the room, leaving a confused and worried Karina behind.

Hoe #1: I need your help

Hoe #1: Please come quickly

Hoe #1: To the bathroom on the first floor in building D

Edna 2.0: On my way!

I entered the bathroom after I texted Minjeong and splashed some cold water on my face, not caring for the makeup I wore. I just washed off the makeup entirely and dried my face with a paper towel right when Minjeong entered the bathroom panting.

"I need to exercise more because God damn that was difficult." She tried to joke but when she saw the state I was in, she rushed towards me and hugged me.

I tried to hold in my tears all this time but once she hugged me the tears just started pouring out without me having any control over it.

Minjeong let me cry on her shoulder for some time before the tears stopped and I pulled back a little. She put her hands on my cheeks and wiped away my tears while I sniffled.

"Don't cry Y/NN, you're ugly when you cry." I let out a chuckle because she always says that when I cry in front of her and it somehow makes me smile each time.

When she saw my smile, she let out a laugh as well. Minjeong wiped away the remaining tears from my cheeks and just let her hands rest there on my cheeks.

"Now, what's wrong Y/NN?"

I let out a sigh as I remembered my conversation from earlier. I was mad at myself for leaving Karina like that but I needed a breather.

"Just Ryujin ruining my life once again..."

"What happened exactly? You know, I can solve this for you very quickly, just say the word and I'll beat her up for you."

"No no, that won't be necessary. No violence, alright?" Minjeong just nodded and rolled her eyes.

"Okay mom."

I just laughed it off and started telling her about what Ryujin said a few minutes ago, and it was very easy to see just how mad Minjeong got from that. However, I wouldn't let her go and beat Ryujin up because that would not help anyone and she would just get in trouble.

"So now she's threatening you as well? Watch Y/N, she's definitely planning something and it'll hurt you and hit you hard like last time. I think that you should either beat her up or maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"Do something before she does it for you." Minjeong looked at me seriously, as if telling me that I had no other choices than those two.

"No, I can't do that... There has to be something else that I can do instead of that, I don't want anyone to know yet."

"I'm sorry Y/NN, but I really don't think there is... If I'm right about what I think she will do, then the last option would be best."

"I-I just-" I huffed and moved away from Minjeong as I put my hands over my face. "I'm just not ready yet, I don't want what happened last time to happen again. It only turned out to be a good thing years later, and I can't let it happen like that again."

"Then do something before she does," Minjeong gave me a pointed look but I just looked down and fidgeted with my hands, not liking the way she stared or how I felt knowing she might be right. You never know what Ryujin is planning.

"Not now, not yet. I'm not ready."


"I have to get back to class, and so should you. Thanks again for everything Minnie, but I gotta go."

I quickly walked out of the bathroom and walked towards the practice room where the dance lesson was held.


Where Did We Go Wrong? (Shin Ryujin x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now