☼︎❤︎Love At First Sight❤︎☼︎

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-Request by mcytlols

'A-ah..ngh!'  Huh? Moaning?..In my apartment?


*Could George me masturbating?..a-about me?*

Dream thought as he heard moans and groans coming from his bedroom, his face beet red. Contemplating if he should open the door and "help" George.
His hands trembling slightly as he made up his mind to open the door.

*Phew..okay! Relax Dream, you've done more "intimate" things with George before..you'll be fine..*

He said in his mind as he tried to find the courage to open the door, but before he could do so he heard something else coming from inside the room.

'Ugnh...faster Wilbur..p-please!..'

Dreams pupils dialated as he heard his own lover say another mans name, or moan anothers name. He was sure he heard more inuadible talking but he could no longer hear them as high pitched sirens went off in his ears. The ringing continued until it became a deafening cacophony of noise that made him want to claw at his skull. He's eyes slowly looked at the door knob as he slowly opened the door. And the sight before him shocked him even more as he saw his own best friend and lover fucking each other in his own bed. Tears had now formed in his eyes, he tried to make a sound and yell "Stop!" but his mouth stayed closed. His legs slowly gave out as he fell on the floor, tears were pouring down his face but he couldn't feel any pain. He felt numb.

Then the creaking of the bed stopped and he heared George call out for him.

'D-dream! I-..'

George stayed silent as Wilbur got off the bed hurriedly and put on his pants that was on the floor. Wilbur then approached Dream and helped him get up from where he was.

'Dream get up f-'

But before he could finish his worlds his head was already turned to the other side, he was punched.

But before he could finish his worlds his head was already turned to the other side, he was punched. He fell to the floor and looked up with a look of shock on his face.

'Don't do that!'

Said Wilbur who was now holding his cheek in pain.
Dream blinked twice before he stood up and faced him.
He surely wasn't expecting for that. George who was now fully dressed ran hurriedly to Wilbur and said.

'Omg Wil! A-are you ok?!'
George looked up at Dream and said-

'Dream i know that your angry but please dont hurt him! Punch me instead!' He exclaimed with his eyes wide. Dream then looked at him and laughed

'Haha..you want me?..to punch the person that i love?..'  He stated with his eyes filled with tears, he could no longer hold it in.

Two of the person he though he could always and forever rely on was cheating on him with each other. He laughed histerically as he thought how stupid he must have been to think that someone would actually love him and cherish him. But of course he was wrong, because this person did not only love another man but also had sex in their own once was home.
He was so angry at himself for believing in this man who was clearly lying to him and hurting him. He was so angry that all this time he still loved him, when he knew deep down he should hate him because of what he has done. He was also sad and heartbroken that he didn't realise sooner that his one true love was also a liar.

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