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GREASE WAS EXACTLY THE RIGHT type of movie for a Saturday night sleepover, even if Greg Johnson wouldn't admit it. The songs were catchy and stuck in the group's heads for days on end. It was a tradition at this point to watch 'cheesy' movies at their sleepovers. These movies also served as meaningless background noise to fill the void as the three friends would gossip about everyone and everything.

Sophie Harrington and Rebecca Lovelis skipped down the street, making their way toward the Hawkin's video rental store. Becky needed to swap in Jaws for Grease, which they'd watched at their last slumber party in order to scare the absolute shit out of Greg. He had a strange fear of sharks.

Having a sleepover with boys was taboo and unheard of in their neighbourhood, but the Johnson family and Lovelis family had been friends for years and so they trusted each other. Sophie's parents of course were never aware of Greg's presence or they'd probably crucify her.

Rounding the corner, Sophie spotted a trembling Mike Wheeler. Older boys were towering over him like something from a horror movie. It looked as though he were trying to slip away and blend into the background but they just wouldn't let him.

"Isn't that Greg's little brother?" Sophie asked Becky, referring to the dominant bully out of the four crowded around Mike.

"Yeah, that's Dylan," she replied nonchalantly, "Looks like he and Wheeler are having fun. Now, hurry it up, lets go!"

"No," Sophie scoffed. She trudged over to the boys, clearing her throat loudly and smiling sarcastically. "Hi boys."

"Sophie," Dylan replied dreamily, his eyes almost popping out of his head. He'd always had a crush on the Harrington girl, he couldn't believe his eyes that she was actually standing infront of him and talking to him.

"You four are pathetic," she spat at them, "I mean you're all what? Sixteen? Bullying a child, I really expected better." She was trying to guilt trip them and by the ashamed looks on their faces it was working. Becky still loomed behind, rolling her eyes at her friends behaviour. She just wanted to watch Grease.

"We were just messing around," Dylan told her, shaking his head profusely. "Honest."

"Well, poor Mike doesn't look like he's having fun, does he?" She questioned, she grabbed Mike by the wrist. "I'm embarrassed for you all," she spoke earnestly. "Next time I see you anywhere near him, I'll fucking kill you." Her threatening behaviour was surprising to say the least. Sophie was a sweet girl, not whatever the fuck that just was.

The boys scurried off and Sophie held onto Mike's wrist securely, almost afraid that if she let go he would melt away. He seemed to be in a vulnerable state.

"Becky, I'll get the movie," she told her friend sternly, "you can go to the grocery store to get the snacks." Jaws already rested in Sophie's hands and Becky was the one with the money spilling out of her pockets, so this was no issue. Her friend stood still for a second, annoyance etched onto her face. Sophie wasn't having it, "go!"

Becky reluctantly left, not before almost murdering both Sophie and Mike with her stony glare. Sometimes Sophie swore that Becky was absolutely heartless. She was obscenely beautiful, but that beauty had capped itself off at appearance alone. She was rotten on the inside like a week old apple and the scent was just starting to drift under Sophie's nose.

"Why did you do that?" Mike spoke quietly, alerting Sophie's eyes to his face instantly. "You shouldn't have, they'll think you're weird too for defending someone like me."

She chuckled softly, "I am weird too, Mike."

His face scrunched up and he tilted his head, "You're not weird, you're Sophie; you're on the cheer team, you're popular and your brother is Steve Harrington." He sighed, looking down at his feet and repeated, "you're not weird."

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