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                                                                                                YANKUMI'S POV


I haven't gotten any sleep because of the thoughts coming in my head.will Izana recognase me?will he forgive me?does he still hate me?will he be ok?is he ok?.soo many question and it's finally time for me too hear his answer...

"goddamn I was completely fine when I came to japan to meet my brother but why am I scared now?"

My body won't stop shaking by just thinking of finaly meeting the brother I once lost.everything will be fine right?,I will meet him,bring him back to philipines live the rest of our life as a loving sibling,that's it right?nothing more nothing less

"whooo,calm down self kaya mo to,everything will be fine...sigh.GO GO GO"

"hey yankumi you ready?"shin said with a calm voice

How can he so calm?i mean why won't he,were just gonna meet my brother and take him with me,that's all.ohh please God give me your blessing today

"hey yankumi,are you still alive there?"

"yeah,I'm coming shin"I take a deep breath and take the first step by leaving the room

When I reach the living room I was shock to see Takeomi,Wakasa,and benkie there

"wow,you guys are already here this early?are you guys obsessive with shin or something?"I said with an insulting tone

"Good Morning Princesse,we are not obsesses it's called loyalty,and for your information we arrive here at 5;00 AM"Wakasa immedetly replay ofc

"yeah,yeah,whatever,hey shin I'm ready"I shouted at the top of my lungs

"it's funny how you called him 'Sano guy' yesterday but call him 'Shin' today,just how fast your relationship develop,it's almost unbelievable"wakasa replay with an insulting smile

I was about to say something when shin arrive

"stop it waka,if you tease her too much you guys might end up together"shin said as he look at the mirror to fix his hair

"me with him?excuse me that's insulting"I reply and grab my bag "I'll wait for you outside,shin,the atmosphere here is starting to piss me off"

I left to gather my courage to talk to Izana later,but I can still hear Wakasa complaining to shin,but I don't really care so,I didn't mind them that much.

A few minutes after,shin came out and we left,and those 3 idiots came too ofc.

Were walking normaly the 4 of them was talking about deliquets here and there,blah blah blah.

Then they stop talking that caught my attention.

"were here,yankumi"I turn to look and found myself in this small playground


I wasn't able to finish when I heard a kid.

"BROTHER SHIN!!!!!!!!"a very loud voice that caught my attention

I turn look where the voice came from and found a white hair,small,cute,adorable kid running to Shin.

Then my world started to slow down,bit by bit,I never meet Izana,I don't know what his voice sound like,I don't now what kind of kid he is.but when I look to this kid's eyes I knew right away that it was him,the brother I once lost.

I was lost in words,I couldn't move,my world stop,I couldn't feel the world around me,it feels like heaven,did I meet an angel,is this re—

"hey yankumi,you alive?"I can hear shin's voice wait what?

Tf self shin's still here gather your self up

"huh?"was all i can say

"did your braincells ask for a vacation or something you suddenly froze"

Really this guy but Thanks to wakasa I was able to focus to the reality again.

"shut up waka,just got distracted a bit"I reply with a death glare

"umm...Yankumi this is Kurokawa Izana,the little bro-"

"hi kid,I'm Yankumi,nice to meet you,Izana right?"

I don't know why but I can't insure what kind of reaction I will reseve if this kid find out that I was the daughter of the mother he never wanted to meet,I'm sorry shin,I just can't risk my brother getting disgusted by the blood line we share.

"umm..hi?i'm Kurokawa Izana,Brother Shin's little brother"the little boy answer with a confusing face

"hi Izana,I'm your brother's friend"I replied with a big wide smile,restraining myself from hugging him

Calm your self down yankumi you can't act strange,it's better if he don't find out for the time being,'cause right now I just wanna be by his side,even as not as his Sister but his brother's friend.

"I didn't know you had a girl friend,'I thought you're a girl addict"Izana ask with a smile on his as a sign that it was an insult

This kid really is my brother.

"pfft-" benki and takeomi were trying to hold there laugh

while shin was still confuse,I goes I'm not that surprise I just ruined his effort of letting me and my brother meet,I'm really,really sorry shin.

"girl addict?i guess you're right about that izana,but a about him having a girl friend,he didn't have a choice"wakasa speak out of nowhere that took everyones attention

What's this dude planning now?

                 "we'll he had to be friends with my girlfriend to help us when we fight after all"

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