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                                                       CHIFUYU'S POV

"WHAT SHOULD WE DO PEH?SHE'S BEELDING TO DEATH"I panic as I put Yankumi in my arms and try to stop the bleeding

"shit,the hell your doing Yankumi,you never said anything about you stabbing yourself"peh said as he neeld down trying to put his Hands on Yankumi's wound

"'s'...m go..nna..di..e,just..because..ahhh...of a..simple...woun...d you....know.."Yankumi said as she put her hand on Peh's chest

"the hell you are,can't you see yourself right now?your fucking bleeding to death,damn that fvcking ambulance are taking soo long"Peh said as he look at me with worrienes in he's face

"hey Peh,Chifuyu,what's this Plan your talking about just now?"Haruchiyo said that as he come close to us that made everyone realize that we did say something about a 'Plan'

"how is that your business?it's not like you care"Peh said without taking his eyes off Yankumi who's trying to stay awake

"hey Peh,if it's something connected to Yankumi we should be involve more that you do"Draken said as he gave me and Peh a death glare

"so you wanna get involve now?when you were clearly ignoring Yankumi when she stab herself"Peh said as he gave me Yankumi's hand and Stand up

Yankumi tried to stop him by grabbing his hands but he just ignore it

"hey,Don't think highly of yourself just because you were with Yankumi while ago,were still her siblings"Kazutora said as he was about to come close to Peh

"so you're her siblings now because she's in danger,when you can't even gave her the chance to talk to you properly earlier,you even told her to stab herself just now"Peh said as he came close To kazutora

"you were all angry at her just because she left 2 years ago,without even asking where she went,why she left,you acted as if she's in wrong just because she failed to keep her Promise to always be by your side,But you guys are no one to talk too either..."Peh said as he look at Kazutora eye to eye

"Peh...shut....up"Yankumi said trying to hold to me and stand up,but every movement she made just made it more hard for her to move

But Peh just ignore her and continue talking

" all promise her to protect her no matter what,but where were you when she needs that protection you were saying?where were you when she was at her fvking lowest?where were you when she was About to get rape?..."Peh said as tears started falling from his eyes

"HEY PEH,sh...ut u..p"Yankumi keep trying to stop him but he just keep ignoring her

I can't do a damn thing cause I know Peh's right,Maybe they should really know what happen

"rape?the hell your talking about?"Mikey said as he look at Peh that was obvous he knows nothing

"..see?'your sister' was about to get rape but none of you know a single thing,but you have the audacity to tell us that she's your 'SISTER'?bullshit..."

Everyone went silent after peh stop

"..why don't you ask chifuyu what happened a year ago?he knows more that anyone what Yankumi has been in tho.."Peh said that made everyones attention goes to me,

Even I wanna tell them,Yankumi was holding my cloths as she has tears in her eyes,I can't peh,I don't wanna see anymore tears in Yankumi's eyes,

"chifuyu you know something?"Baji-san ask me but I just ignore him and everyone else question as I just hold Yankumi's hand


I always hear Everyone telling each other that it's always been Yankumi's Fault,Me and Peh always hated that,but we stayed silent and just ignore them,so they won't found out we knew something,That continue for 2 years that I just can't anymore,I'm so done with listening to everyone talking crap about Yankumi,

I gather all my courage just to disobey Yankumi just this one time,and I spoke

"a year ago I meet Yankumi she was soo out of it..."I said trying to avoid everyones stare as I look at Yankumi telling me to stop

"I'm sorry,Yankumi,I'm soo done with this people talking shit about you.."I said as I look at every tomans captain

"...I meet her a year ago she was like a beggar,nowhere to go,no one to ask help for,She saw my TOMAN uniform and ask me If I knew 'SANO MANJIRO'...."I said as I watch Mikey's face getting all shock

Everyone stayed silent,and listen to me talk

"...because Pah was the captain that was in the same place I called him trying to ask where Mikey is,he was with Peh that time,when Pah saw Yankumi,he emmedeitly run to give her a hug.."I stop a minute to look at Yankumi who was crying so much but tried to hide it

"...then Me,Peh,and Pah along with Yankumi went to eat at a restaurant she gave us free meal,she had a little talk with Pah,Pah went crying soo much that made me and Peh confuse,he told Yankumi some thing about 'Big shin' and how thinga went crazy after she left,Yankumi was about to cry when she told us she had to go,she told us not to tell anyone Especially Mikey that we meet her,Pah told us the same,but me and Peh just don't understand what they were talking we followed yankumi..."

"we saw her came to this alley with lots of picture of Mikey,Baji-san and every kids she once take care of 2 years ago,then we found out that she was looking for all of you,a fvking millioner was fvking going around asking if they meet you guys,just think how fvking lucky you are..."

" was getting darker so me and Peh Said that we should go Home,and we were about to,but we saw Yankumi almost getting rape,we help her out,as a thank you she buy us a meal in a restaurant,she then told us everything.."I stop and peh was the one to continue

"Yankumi'sfamilys company almost went bankcrupt because her Grandparents were sick andher other Relatives tried to steal the Company that was suppose to beYankumi's,but Yankumi said that she wants that company to be her little brother'ssomeday so she never agreed in taking the company,but her relatives just don'tknow there places and tried to steal it,and ofc as the true hier Yankumi had togo Home to take care of the company,but before she left she ask herGrandparent if she can have only 1 more week to stay here..."

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