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                                                             MIKEY'S POV

Since I was a child I never have a mom or an older sister,all I have is Brother Shin,Gramps,Emma,And my Friend.for me that's enough,but when one day Big Shin brought a girl home,the first time she teach me tagalog words,the first time she defended me when I was being scolded,the first I saw her scolding some kids because they tried to bully me,the first time I tasted her cooking,the first time she told me she loved me,the first time I tease her by calling her "Mom"the first time she cook soup for me when I was sick,the first she meet my friends,when I remember all of that it made me to want more,I want her to be there when I sleep at night,and be there when I woke up,I want her to be beside me when I grow old ,I want her to never change and be my sister for life,but all of my hopes died when I realize it will never happen.

Cause she wasn't 'MY' sister in the first place,I was just borrowing Izana's family,it was not mine,how dare I dream that I could actually be your brother,at the end of the day I'm just a substitute,at the end of the story Izana will be the one feel your kisses,he will be the one to hear your I love yous,he'll be the one to taste your cooking,cause he's a Kurokawa and I'm a Sano

But when I finally accept it you told me

"huh?baka,so what if you're a Sano and izana is a kurokawa?,for me I love you all the same both you and Izana and Baji,all of you,even if the world turn upside down,you're my brother and I'm your sister,ok?get that?"

That's what you said but where were you?if you love us why did you leave?you damn traitor


"so what if we just go to my house and have emma cook us something"I said while baji,pah,draken,and sanzu stop walking and take a step back

I tried to see what made them a step back,

I was shock to see the women I once thought as my sister.

"Yankumi?"pah's voice caught the other captain

Yankumi was looking at as one by one without a thing to say,after a few minutes she just walk pass us.

"heyy Yankumi,can't even say hello to your siblings now?"no that's no what I want to say my mouth move on it's own

But Yankumi just stop for a second and continue walking away,ofc baji chase after her,and grab her arm

"You once told me to respect my elder but if you're gonna keep avoding us like this,just foget that we were once your sibling"baji said as he walks away

But I know he never meant any of them,'cause if there's someone who repected Yankumi soo much,that's baji

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