min yoongi- stray

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"Daniel, where have you been!" she said down at the pure white cat at her feet, he was meowing at her feet because she had a portion of cat food in a bowl

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"Daniel, where have you been!" she said down at the pure white cat at her feet, he was meowing at her feet because she had a portion of cat food in a bowl.

she put it down and daniel wolfed it up.

"why are you so late these past days?..."

daniel was a stray cat that she had been feeding for a long time, maybe two years now. and she would say daniel trusted her after all her time trying and she even had a few cat toys for daniel at home even though he was a stray.

unusually daniel did not finish the portion of cat food, and started to carry it between his teeth. daniel stood infront of her, meowing at the same time.

"what? you want me to come with you?" she took one step in daniels direction, he started walking and purring. she stopped and he began meowing.

"okay i guess you do."

daniel led around a few blocks, and still refused to eat the food for himself.

he lead her up to a bush in a secluded grass area and unusually she saw a boy maybe her age crouching in the bushes.

she was about to turn around when daniel meowed loudly and caught the boys attention.

he was wearing all black clothes with a black cap and mask and she could just about see his sharp cat eyes from under his cap.

"oh, seoltang-"

he looked up at her, "who are you?"

"who am i? " she said, "who are you? and why are you crouching in a bush??"

he didn't stand up though, and just called daniel toward him with the name seoltang.

"what?- "

daniel let the boy pick him up and the boy placed him in the bush.

"what? no, that's daniel."

the boy snapped his head up to her, "daniel?? she's a girl."

she just stood there in shock for a second, well more then a second because he was looking at her like a weirdo.

"but i- i thought. wow.... wait how do you even know daniel?? how do you know?"

"because you can see she's a girl?? are you stupid? and seoltang is a stray right? i've been feeding her for like a year or two."

"what?? but- so have i?"

they just stared at each other, surprised that the white cat had been playing them both.

"anyway," he moved off the topic, "my name is yoongi, and she's had kittens."

"what!" she ran over to the bit where he was crouching and accidentally pushed him a little which caused him to lose his balance and fall over.

he was telling the truth. inside there was 4 kittens, two of them were calico, one was ginger and another was black.

"how is one of them ginger??" oh my god what do we do? they are so small aww..."

yoongi got up off the ground and muttered to himself , "thanks for the apology." he saw that she hadn't even noticed and instead was fussing over the kittens.

"i can't take them." he said, "i'm too busy to look after them."

"i can take them in but i don't really know how to care for such small kittens.."

yoongi sighed, "okay. you take them in and i'll help with them. i'm not at home a lot so you could just message me? i don't want them to go to a shelter, because of seoltang."

"okay, okay. what's your number?"

it was hard but since she was home a lot she was able to care for the kittens and yoongi came round frequently to see seoltang and the kittens.

she had got to know him well over the past few months and they could even say they were friends.

yoongi decided to come over today.

she opened the door to yoongi as he knocked and seoltang was at the door too ready to greet him. he crouched down and pet the pure white cat.

"the kittens are asleep." she said, yoongi nodded and came inside.

the kittens were curled up together in a comfy pet bed that she had gotten for them all, yoongi was happy to see that she seemed to be doing quite well with them and all the kittens and seoltang were in perfect condition.

since there was nothing to do, they decided to watch a movie.

the movie got pretty boring halfway through, and her sleeping schedule had gotten very messed up lately, so she didn't even feel herself fall asleep on his shoulder.

yoongi was about o tell her to move aaa soon as he felt her lean down on his shoulder, but she saw that she was asleep and felt reluctant to do it.

what am i even thinking right now???

yoongi was surprised that he was ben thinking like that, but he somehow couldn't help it, he felt his cheeks get warm.

what is wrong with me??
i hardly even know her

he didn't, that was true. but he knew something was different with her. he tolerated a lot more from her then he did with other people, and he found that weird. and right now, he wasn't really minding that she fell asleep on him.

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