sober- seungmin

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a party had never been the sort of place i enjoyed to go to, the music was normally terrible, the people just as terrible too.

my friend had dragged me along to one, her getting drunk a long time ago, and i was just there to make sure she didn't get in trouble.

"hey, have a drink!!" her friend slurred, holding her cup infront of my face.

"i'm okay."

"boooring!" she laughed, and stumbled away, right into the dance-floor.

i leaned against the wall, the blasting music was giving me a headache and the room felt stuffy from the amount of people inside.

i decided to go outside for some fresh air, and stood out the front of the house.

outside was one other person. he was wearing a big hoodie, i caught just a flash of his braces, and he had black hair with a fringe.

he looked at her, surprised to see she wasn't drunk, and saw her pull out some juice instead.

she noticed he was staring at it, and offered him some.

"ah, really? there's only alcohol in there."

she nodded and gave him some.

"you looking after someone?" she asked him, he nodded.

"yep. have to make sure they don't get in trouble."

"yeah me too." she laughed, she noticed he was thirsty, but didn't want to drink it all. "you can have it, i have another bottle."

"are you sure? I can just get something soon."

She nodded, "of course." she glanced down at the time. "ahh, it's that time already? I have to go."

He nodded, thanking her for the juice again. After a bit so thorough search, she found her friend and got her in the car.

She noticed the boy from before had his friend clinging onto him, while he was standing outside the house looking around desperately. At the sight of her familiar face, he lit up. He approached the car, dragging his friend along with him.

"I'm sorry, but can you help us? My phone ran out, can you ring us a taxi?" He said, he was nervous, but also desperate.


She tried to ring the two a taxi for a long time, but all the lines were busy. So she just decided to give them a ride.

"do i know you?" she asked him, he looked familiar. he thought for a second.

"oh yeah! you're changbin's friend." he said in recognition, he carried on,

"Ah, is it okay? Are you sure?" He said again, trying to hush his friends drunken mumbling. Seungmin sat in the front, and the two drunk friends fell asleep in the back.

Seungmin thanked her for the ride, and they dropped off the two drunk friends first. Seungmin's was a while away, so they talked together.

"Do you like parties?" He asked, "i don't really like them."

"I don't like them either. I'd much rather listen to day6 then the music they play there."

His eyes widened, almost sparkling as soon as she mentioned the band, "You like day6?? I love them!"

"Yeah i love them too! Their music is my favourite!"

"Yes, me too!"

She laughed, he looked so excited, "why don't you put a song on?"

He nodded, after asking she was sure again, and put on his 'day6 playlist' well she couldn't make fun of him because she had one too.

suddenly, the car came to a stop. seriously?

seungmin laughed, "your car broke down?"

"i don't know why you're laughing, i was your only ride home."

"my house isn't even far," he smiled, "i could walk there in like 10 mins."

"okay do it then." she replied sassily, grabbing her phone to ring the breakdown company, but realizing her phone had ran out too.

they had to ask someone else to call for them, and the company came to take her car, but now she didn't have a way to get home.

Seungmin had stayed with her the whole time, despite making sassy remarks.

"how far is your house?" seungmin asked, she sighed, stressed out.

"ages away, like a 3 hour walk."

"oh." he said, not expecting it to be so far away, "don't you have anywhere you can go from here."

"i don't know. i don't think so." she tried to think of where she could go, but nowhere came up.

"uhh. you can stay with me for a while." he was hesitant, "it's okay if you don't want to. but i'm just trying to help you out."

it was extremely risky, she couldn't deny that. but seungmin said she could use his phone when it charges, and her friends knew she was there.

so she did.

it was definitely stupid.

and definitely dangerous.

but she felt as if she could trust him.

his flat was large, and had loads of rooms in it, but all of them were empty. each of the rooms were different. some had hardly anything in it and some had stuff piled all around in a mess.

"this isn't all yours is it?" she asked him, he shook his head.

"obviously not. it wouldn't be such a mess if it was."

he didn't explain who else lived here, so she didn't ask and she waited for his phone to charge. she was exhausted though, and was fighting the urge to fall asleep right there.

"do you want to watch something?" seungmin asked, finding a weak response. she looked at exhausted he thought, and so he just put something on while she fell asleep.

he would admit it wasn't ideal, a friend of his friend coming and falling asleep on the sofa. and he was sure changbin would not appreciate it. but he let her stay and sleep for a while. hoping changbin wouldn't come back.

well hoping did nothing.

because changbin walked in, bags in his two hands and he saw her about a split second.

"what is this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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