Chapter One: Leaving.

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"What? You can't go!" Petro protested as Katooni put her belongings in her bag, "The Jedi Order is your life! You can't just throw it away like this!"

It had been a month since Ahsoka Tano had left the Jedi Order and Katooni was very upset after that.

Her friends had tried to get her to come out more, but the Tholothian girl just couldn't bring herself to come outside of her room. She just sat there on her bed, looking at the faded pictures of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka.

The Jedi Council was very worried and sent Master Yoda to talk with her. It worked until Yoda said the wrong thing and Katooni just exploded at him, something she had never done before.

Mace Windu had threatened to expel her from the Order following that and that was when Katooni realized the corrupted mess that the Jedi had become. She decided one day to leave the Order forever.

Anakin supported her on this, telling her to find Ahsoka and bring her home.

Now, she was packing her things, much to the shock and horror of her fellow younglings, who had come that morning to wake her up.

"But where will you go?" Ganodi asked.

"Somewhere, but not here," Katooni said, sighing, "Guys, please don't make this hard for me. I'm leaving this corrupted organization and I suggest you all do the same."

"No, you can't leave!" Petro pleaded, instinctively yanking on Katooni's arm. The latter struggled.

"I told you, don't make this hard for me," Katooni told him, "Let me go."

Reluctantly, Petro let go. "But what are we going to do without you? So, Ahsoka left, how does that make the Order bad? They had good reason to expel her."

"Petro!" Ganodi admonished him.

"They did not have good reason to expel her, Petro!" Katooni replied, zipping up her bag, "How could they trust the word of Admiral Tarkin, who was already shady enough, over the word of someone who's saved the Republic's skins on multiple occasions?! How could you say that? I'm done with this. Stay with the Order if you want, but I can't. I'm sorry, guys. But if you don't leave, you'll end up like Ahsoka."

"That's dramatic," Zatt commented.

But Katooni was tired of hearing her friends' objections. Saying nothing else, she left her room with her bag.

As soon as she was gone, Petro asked: "Well that's just great. Now what are we going to tell the Council?"

Gunji roared.

"Gunji's right," Zatt said, "We have to tell the Council the truth. Hopefully then they can reform themselves. We have to accept the fact that Katooni's gone."

Byph made sounds in agreement.

"I never got to tell her that-" Petro began. "Don't say it!" Gadoni exclaimed, but Petro finished anyway:

"...that I loved her."

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