Chapter Eight: Old Friends Part 2/The Battle For The Milky Way Part 1

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Clementine was taken to a holding cell in the Royal Palace and interrogated there, but she managed to escape in part due to her excellent survival skills.

She snuck outside to the castle courtyard where she saw a bunch of people gathered. King Shadower, in all his evil glory, was pacing around another man.

"Why do you do this to yourself, Akamaken?" King Shadower asked the man, "You cling on so desperately to the hope that Clementine is alive. However, she's dead. My army made sure of that."

"Lee was a better ruler than you," said Akamaken, "Your misguidance has caused the galactic economy to plunge. I keep advising you to do better, hence my job as royal advisor, but I see now that you will never be Lee."

King Shadower growled and smacked Akamaken so hard that he fell hard on the ground, "I AM BETTER THAN LEE!!!!"

Clementine used to be friends with Akamaken way back when. No way was she going to let her uncle do this, "STOP!!!"

Lightning flashed behind her as the storm raged. Shadower looked up at the shadowy figure on the platform and said with dread, ", you're dead!"

Clementine shouted: "Get away from my father's advisor!!" She got off the white platform and helped Akamaken up.

"Clementine," Akamaken said with disbelief, "You're alive? How can that be?"

"It doesn't matter, Mr. A," Clementine said, remembering how she used to address him when she was just 9 years old, "I'm home."

The two embraced one another, despite the formalities forbidding it.

King Shadower's face turned from utter horror to an evil smile, "Ah Clementine, it's so great to see you...alive." He glared at his guards, who looked sheepish.

Clementine let go and stepped towards her uncle, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart."

"I can give you more than one," King Shadower said. He pointed towards his guards, "You see them...they think I'm King."

"Well we don't!" shouted Sarah, "Your reign is over, Shadower. Clementine's the rightful Queen. If you want to get to her, you'll have to get through us! Are you with me, people?!"

There was a big "YEAH!!!" from the crowd.

Clementine felt honored having the people of the Royal City on her side, "The choice is yours, Shadower. Either step down...or a fight."

"Must this all end in violence?" King Shadower asked, "I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Clementine?"

"That's not going to work, Shadower. I've put the past behind me." Clementine told him firmly.

"Ah, but have they put it behind them? Do your little subjects know what you've done?"

"Clem, what is he talking about?" Akamaken asked her.

"Ah, so you haven't told them you're little secret? Well Clementine, go on. How's your chance to confess. Tell them who is responsible for Lee's death."

It all came flooding back. She said after a pause, "I am."

Everyone gasped.

"It's not true. Tell me it's not true," Akamaken said, "You can't be-"

"It's true." Clementine replied.

"You see?! He admits it! Murderer!!" King Shadower roared, "We should believe a daughter who takes a life of a father? A daughter who kills a King?!"

"No! I am not a murderer!" Clementine shouted back.

"If it weren't for you, the King would still be alive! It's your fault he's dead! Do you deny it?! Who are you?!"


King Shadower backed Clementine to the edge of a cliff and as she tried to avoid going over the edge, he screamed: "Say it! Are you the Queen?!"

"No, no, I-" Clementine was flailing for it.

"Then who are you?! Say it!!"

"I-I..." she sighed, "I'm no one."

"Then...BOW TO YOUR KING!!!!"

Clementine slipped and held on for dear life at the ledge. On the ground, lightning flashed and fire erupted from a severed plant.

"Clementine!!" Sarah cried out.

"Now this looks familiar," King Shadower mused as Clementine desperately tried to hang on, "Where did I see this before? Oh yes, this was exactly the way Lee looked before he died. I looked down, saw the fear in his eyes..." He dug his nails into Clementine's hands. She cried out in pain. King Shadower smiled, a malicious, insane smile and whispered 8 chilling words that changed everything:

"And here's my little secret...I killed Lee............"

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