Chapter Eleven: Timeline/Queen of the Galaxy/The Speech.

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The war continued without Shadower for about two weeks. Richard Anders, Shadower's secret apprentice, seized the throne immediately after his master's death and continued the war against the Brotherhood, now backed by the Galactic Republic and the Star Wars galaxy.

Clementine assumed the leadership of the Brotherhood after Kevin died in one battle, much to his daughter Maya's sadness and grief over the loss of her father and sister.

Eventually, the Brotherhood and the Grand Army of the Republic managed to chase the Royal Army across the cosmos and exhaust them to the point where there was a shortage of troops. King Richard, noticing this, sent out the remaining Royal Fleet of Star Destroyers to intercept the united rebel force, now known collectively as the Rebel Alliance, or the Alliance to Reinstate the Princess.

The Kingdom of Galactica and the short-lived Anders Dynasty made its last stand on the planet Earth where they were defeated at the Battle of Washington D.C and formally surrendered. Richard was taken into rebel custody to be executed and the Rebel Alliance sacked the city, along with the Death Star, thus ending the war once and for all.


The courtyard of the Royal Palace, stationed on the Death Star, was packed with people from all over the galaxy. They had arrived to watch the return of their queen. Katooni and Ahsoka together sent a call out to the entirety of the Star Wars galaxy to come watch the event as well.

As everyone gathered, Katooni caught a glimpse of Hondo winking at her in the crowd. She smiled back. Just then, Clementine came down from the stairs and greeted everyone silently. She moved through the crowd of people, all who congratulated her on her victory.

Clementine then saw Katooni and the two of them embraced one another. Suddenly, there was rattling that caused both of them to turn. Rafiki, the Kingdom's shaman, was waving his staff, pointing towards the spiral staircase that led to the rooftop of the castle.

Clementine nodded and walked over towards Rafiki. He put the glittering gold crown on her head and said three iconic words: "It is time."

Clementine glanced back at Katooni, who gave her an encouraging smile. Then, she began to climb the staircase. Everyone watched in awe as she ascended the steps. Katooni felt tears of pride come to her eyes, knowing this was what she helped Clementine fight for. Louis and AJ were also there, watching the girl they raised become queen with looks of awe.

As Clem reached the top of the staircase, a brief image of her father came to her mind. She heard him say, "Remember..." Clementine, hearing his voice, confidently shouted: "FREEDOM!!!!"

Everyone applauded and gave a standing ovation. The true queen had returned! The applause and shouts filled the vacuum of space and many people reported later hearing it all across the galaxy.


The celebration was held the next day in Washington D.C, the sight of where the war ended, and everyone was invited.

The Milky Way galaxy soon returned back to its prosperous state before Shadower and the economy boomed. On the fourth day of the celebration, Clementine was asked to give a speech in front of her subjects. She agreed and requested that Katooni come with her, much to the latter girl's surprise.

As Clementine and Katooni came out onto the White Palace balcony, the crowd was waiting. Clementine began, "Greetings, my people. Today, we mark a transition. 7 years ago, this Kingdom suffered a great tragedy. My father, King Lee, was assassinated at a gorge. The Kingdom fell into an economic and political depression all across the galaxy. But your suffering, your oppression ended at the Battle of Washington D.C where Richard Anders, apprentice to Shadower, surrendered to us. It will take a long time for the galaxy to recover from this dark period, however, I choose to be a ruler that moves forward, that does what is best for her subjects.

"My father always cared about you. I do the same. My innate love for my people runs in the family. Shadower exception." The people all laughed at this. Clementine had no trouble showing her sense of humor at public gatherings. Even though she was a dignified young queen now, that didn't mean she was going to hide the kid inside her all the time. She continued, "But Shadower was hardly an Everett. He was a disgrace to the family name, tainted its legacy and history of benevolent rule with his corruption. But today, the family name has been restored. But you shouldn't give me all the praise. Without the help of a certain someone, I never would've made it." She glanced at Katooni, who realized what and who she meant. She cautiously came forward next to Clementine, looking nervous.

Clementine faced her, "You are an inspiration to us all, Katooni." She bowed to her. Clem's bodyguards did the same, and so did her friends, who had just come on the balcony. Not understanding what was going on, Katooni looked down the balcony. The whole crowd was bowing to her, every single person.

 Clementine stood up and said, "Katooni is the real heroine of this story, this event. Without her, I never would have defeated Shadower. And I certainly wouldn't be standing here today without her. I am proud to have known her in the short time we adventured together."

Hearing that, Katooni jumped into her arms, hugging her. Clementine hugged back. The whole crowd went "awwwwwwwww".

"Is she allowed to do that?" Petro asked.

The bodyguards shrugged.

Katooni then let go. She and Clementine smiled at one another in the way that mother and daughter would. Katooni felt her heart's wounds finally close up. She had a family now. A family extending two galaxies. There was her distant family here and there was her local family, the Jedi Order.

Yes, she was going back.

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