Chapter Ten: The Truth/The Battle For The Milky Way Part 2

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Clementine, in that realization, found the strength to lunge up at King Shadower, "My father!! Your own brother!! How could you?!"

"First he kills Lee, now he wants to kill me!!" King Shadower accused him, trying to save face.

"You killed him! Tell them the truth!" Clementine shouted.

"Don't believe his lies!!"

"Shadower," Akamaken said, "You said you didn't get to the gorge in time."

"That's true!" King Shadower said.

"Then how did you see the look in Lee's eyes?!" Akamaken raged.

King Shadower growled, angry at being found out.

"Murderer!!" Clementine yelled.

King Shadower then ordered his guards: "Kill them all!!"

The royal guards rushed at Clementine, guns and spears drawn. Akamaken ordered the assembled crowd, "Citizens, attack!!"

The police and the civilians clashed and the Battle for the Milky Way began to ensue.


Meanwhile, The Brotherhood, the underground revolution led by Officer Kevin Darkling, made up of about a billion people of all species, flew towards the Death Star and the Royal Palace on their starships, with a plan to assassinate King Shadower in mind.

Katooni was in the holochess room of the Millennium Falcon, working on reconstructing her lightsaber using custom parts that someone got from Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge for plot convenience.

Rebecca and Maya were with her. The two girls had insisted on coming along to help with the assault and Kevin just couldn't say no to his own daughters.

As Katooni lifted the lightsaber components using the Force, Rebecca and Maya watched closely and attentively. It was a once in a lifetime occasion, getting to interact with a Star Wars character and seeing the Force in action. But Katooni was more than just a character come to life to them. She was their sister. Which was why they had insisted on coming during the battle.

The Kyber crystal came in and the lightsaber components came together, forming the hilt. Finally, Katooni pressed the activation matrix and a light blue blade sprang from it. The two older girls were awed. Katooni smiled proudly at her creation. She might've left the Jedi Order, but for this battle, she would be a soldier of the Force once again.

Suddenly, the room shook. The three girls ran towards the cockpit and saw that they had arrived at the Death Star and were under fire by the Royal Fleet, consisting of advanced Star Destroyers with planet killing weapons. Katooni peered out from the left side of the big window of the Falcon and saw what was going on down at the Death Star's surface. A huge fight between civilians and King Shadower's guards was ensuing. Leading it was Clementine. She was okay! Katooni felt her spirits rise, knowing that Clem was okay.

"You three," said Kevin, "Get back! We're under fire! Randy, activate the laser cannons!"

Officer Randy, sitting in the left gunners' seat, started pressing all the buttons over and over.

A voice came out: "This is Atlantis 5 to the Millennium Falcon! I've got two of their Royal space bombers on my tail!"

Kevin called through the microphone, "Not the Destroyers?"

The voice answered back, "No, they're like space shuttles, but equipped with small bombs! They're trying to get me!" There was a sound of blasting and the voice cut off.

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