Chapter Four: Guilt.

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They landed in the Black Spire Outpost of the planet Batuu in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy and somehow managed to find a local hotel in the bustling planet where Clementine paid for their stay with four galactic credits.

When they got inside their hotel room, Clementine finally got the opportunity to talk with Katooni.

They sat next to each other on the edge of the big bed and Clementine said: "I'm sorry...for being rough with you back there."

"It's fine." Katooni answered flatly, not looking at her, staring at the ground glumly. Clem noticed Katooni looking at her right palm, which had a noticeable bruise on it.

Clementine regretted what she did immediately. Katooni probably didn't trust her now. As if sensing what she was thinking, Katooni said, "No. I'm okay. I trust you. I do. It's just..." she took a deep breath and looked at her finally, "I'm the one who was wrong, Clementine. If you didn't force me against my will, I would've been incinerated in that explosion. I'm indebted to you, Clem."

Clem didn't know what to say to that. She knew Katooni was very upset right now and she didn't know how to comfort her.

She already felt bad, but what Katooni said next brought on the rush of tears, "You're all I have now,'re my only family now. My parents are gone, I left the Jedi Order...I have no one except you now..."

"Katooni...I can't take care of you," Clementine said, shaking her head, "I can never be the mother you deserve. You don't want to be with me, Katooni. My life since I turned 9 has always been about being on the run. I'm 16 now and still on the run from my home. You don't want that type of lifestyle. You don't deserve that. You don't deserve to have your life constantly be in danger. I should find a good family here that will adopt you."

"No, Clementine," Katooni said, putting her hand on Clem's shoulder, "I want to be with you. We started this journey together. I want us to finish that journey together."

"You don't understand what you're saying, Katooni," Clementine said firmly, "In being with me, you make yourself a rebel. Sooner or later, I'll have to return to my galaxy and challenge my uncle for the throne. I'm the rightful heir." Katooni looked surprised, "Yes, Katooni. I'm a princess. Or at least I was before my father, King Lee, was killed. But it's my destiny to save my people. You don't want to go do this with me."

"Clem, I bonded with a space pirate," Katooni told her, "After a whole lot of things happened after his crew attacked and captured Ahsoka Tano. I can survive being a rebel with you. I want to help you get the throne back. Please Clementine, don't leave me here. I want to help you."

Clementine sighed, "Katooni, you're too young to do this sort of thing. Yes, I was 9 when I first ran away from home, but that was because I had no choice. You have an opportunity to build a good life for yourself here. Just the fact you went through that Hondo fiasco just proves this life is too dangerous for you. I'm not risking your life more than I already have. You're not even supposed to be with me now. I told you before that I would give you a ride and then drop you off. You're not meant to be with me."

"Yes, I am." Katooni said with conviction, "I'm standing by your side until the end. You're my family now."

"A Jedi does not form attachments," Clementine pointed out.

Katooni shook her head, "No. They don't. But I'm no Jedi. Not anymore. I told you already that I left the Order."

"Well you're not going to be a rebel either. So, I'm not discussing this anymore. I'll find you a good family unit somewhere here." Clementine said, standing up and beginning to walk away when Katooni told her:

"I'm not afraid of your uncle."

That was when Clementine, without thinking, spun around and shouted: "Katooni, that's enough!! You're not coming with me and that's final!! Do you understand me?!"

Immediately she regretted what she did. Katooni's eyes filled with tears and she nodded, "Yes ma'am."

Clementine left the room in a hurry, not wanting to see Katooni's broken-hearted look. As Clem left, she could hear the sound of weeping. She looked back and saw Katooni curled up on the bed, sobbing inconsolably.

I can't subject her to this life, Clementine thought, She doesn't deserve the life of a lost princess on the run. But I didn't mean to make her cry either. What should I do?


Clementine spent several hours on her smartphone searching up good family units all across the galaxy, even calling a Wookie couple, but discarded the option as she had no idea what they were even saying.

As she was searching, she saw Katooni come out of the master bedroom to grab a bottle of water. Katooni didn't even look at her. She just grabbed the bottle and went back in.

Clementine knew she messed up. She didn't want to see Katooni so upset, but her safety mattered more to Clem. She decided to talk Katooni into agreeing, even though she knew it probably wouldn't work out.

When she got back into the bedroom, Katooni sat up from the bed, adjusting her position and facing her. Clementine saw the way Katooni looked at her. It was a hurt look, a look of betrayal and a broken heart.

"Katooni, listen-" Clementine began.

"No. I understand," Katooni replied, "I know you're looking out for my safety. I shouldn't've made you mad by arguing. You're right. I just wish...I just wish you trusted me more, that's all."

"Katooni, being a rebel is dangerous business," Clementine explained, "You don't just gather random people, train them to fight, and then expect it all to work out. You can die at any moment. You can be killed at any moment. I don't think you want that type of life."

Katooni shook her head, "I'm willing to die for you to restore justice to your galaxy. But if you think it's too dangerous for me, then...then I'm ready to be taken in by another couple."

Clementine told her, "Only one problem. I can't find any. So what do I do with you?" She waited for Katooni to say something immediately, but the younger girl just stared at her for several seconds before she said, "You don't even have to pay attention to me. I'll do whatever you ask and I won't question anything, I promise."

Clementine wrestled with her mind on what to do. She finally relented, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but alright. But you have to do everything I tell you to do, okay? What we're doing is essentially staging a coup, which is dangerous work. When we go to my galaxy, there's going to be danger at every turn. You have to stick by me at all times and don't even think about doing your own thing, even if you think it's the right idea. I've been at this since I was 9 years old. 7 years."

Katooni nodded, "I promise."

"Okay," Clementine said, "Let's check out and I'll see how many lightspeed jumps it will take us to get to the Milky Way galaxy."

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