Chapter Six: Old Friends Part 1/Another Disaster.

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Katooni and Clementine walked around the city, passing by people who said hello to them.

Katooni engaged in conversation with a bunch of teenage girls, who found her quite fascinating.

Katooni noticed Clementine not talking with the locals and asked why. Clementine told her that anyone could be a spy for King Shadower and told her to be more suspicious of people.

Katooni didn't understand, but didn't question Clem's advice. The older girl knew what she was doing.

Just then, they were stopped by a couple of police officers in black metal suits.

"Halt!" shouted the first officer.

"Who are they, Clementine?" Katooni asked.

"Royal guards," Clementine replied, "Allow me to handle this." She faced the officers, "We're just on a walk through the city, Kevin. We don't mean any harm."

The first officer blinked in surprise, "Wait. How do you know my first name? That's Officer Darkling to you!"

Clementine silently cursed herself. Only royals and other officers addressed the guards by their first names. She wasn't a royal anymore. Not yet.

"Wait a minute," said the second officer, "You can't know Kevin's first name unless you're a member of the royal family. Which means..." He shook his head, "Impossible. She's dead." He got down to Katooni's level and asked, "What's your name, alien girl?"

"Katooni, sir," Katooni replied, "I come from a galaxy far, far away."

The second officer looked skeptical at first, but then realized who she was, "Oh that Katooni from the Clone Wars series. Well well well, on the run from the Jedi Order, I presume?"

Katooni nodded.

"Well, this is a surprise to be sure," the second officer said. He stood up and turned back to Clementine, "Who are you and how do you know Kevin's name? Don't come up with any excuses. I've heard all of them in the book. Outside the book as well too, I'll have you know."

Clementine sighed, "Well, Randy, if you must know..." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Royal Seal of the Everett Dynasty.

Officer Kevin Darkling blinked in surprise and shock, " that you?"

Clementine nodded, "Yes, Kevin. It's me."

"But that's impossible," said Officer Randy, "King Shadower said that you died in the gorge all those years ago!"

"My uncle has lied to everyone," Clementine told him, "I'm alive."

"Ooh, this is bad," Officer Kevin Darkling said, "You and your little one need to be safe, not out here. The King's guards could be around any corner. Last time Randy and I saw you, it was when you went with Shadower to go somewhere. I had no idea..."

"It was to the gorge," Clementine explained, "He left me there and then this whole stampede showed up. My father got me to safety and then he fell into the stampede...I saw him latch on to the walls and climb up, but the next thing I knew, he was falling into that stampede."

"Where...have you been all these years?" Officer Randy asked her.

"I wandered the galaxy for two years," Clementine revealed, "Picking up different rides with a bunch of strangers until when I was 11, when there was an ambush with thieves and bandits and the family I was currently with got lost and killed most likely. That was when I was found by Louis and AJ out in the middle of the desert. They taught me the motto Hakuna Matata. I know. Sounds like the Lion King, right? That was literally the story of my adventure. I stayed with them for about 2 years until I was reunited with my childhood friend Sarah. She told me that Shadower had driven the Kingdom of Galactica to ruin. I was too afraid to go back, so I ran off. That was when I was visited by the ghost of my father who reminded me about who I was. I resolved to go back, but I couldn't do it alone. So I traveled to another galaxy to gather allies by hijacking a space shuttle somehow and then bought a Corellian freighter called the Millennium Falcon. Now I've come back here to face my past."

Clementine's old guard friends absorbed this information.

"I see," Officer Kevin Darkling said, "Well, that must've been a pretty long journey for you. Tell you what. As a symbol of our friendship long ago, you and Katooni can stay at my house."

Clementine smiled, her first smile in a while, "Thanks, Kevin. That means a lot. Alright, Katooni, let's-" She noticed Katooni was gone, "Katooni? Katooni!"

"Where did she go?" Officer Randy asked.

They checked all around the area until they saw Katooni struggling in the grips of a bunch of officers. She was gagged and handcuffed.

Clementine gasped, "Katooni!!"

"Bob, this is unacceptable!" Officer Kevin Darkling shouted, "Put her down right now!"

Katooni made a muffled cry for help and squirmed in Officer Bob's grip. The other officers put ankle shackles on so she couldn't kick.

Clementine couldn't take it. She rushed at Officer Bob and tackled him. The other officers were on her in an instant, but they let go of Katooni, who managed with much effort to scoot out from under them.

Officer Randy and Officer Kevin Darkling were able to undo Katooni's handcuffs and shackles and removed the gag.

"Thank you..." Katooni thanked them weakly. She turned back and gasped as she saw the other officers tackle Clementine and pin her down.

Just then, she saw Clementine spring up and tackle the officers, pouncing on them like Mufasa with the hyenas at the Elephant Graveyard. The officers fell like dominos, collapsing as Clementine tore into them. 

"Kevin, Randy, get Katooni out of here now!" Clementine ordered them.

Officer Randy nodded, taking Katooni's hand and dragging her away from the fight.

Katooni shook her head, "No! Please! I want to help!"

"Not a chance," Officer Kevin Darkling told her, "Get in my car. We're driving you to my house."

"Clementine!!" Katooni cried out in horror.

The two officers looked back and saw Clementine's rampage end with a net being dropped over her from a military helicopter overhead.

"Oh my god, no!" Officer Randy shouted, "Clementine!!"

Both he and Katooni ran back, but it was too late.

For the net, with Clementine inside, was already being raised up into the helicopter.

"CLEMENTINE!!!" Katooni screamed. She ran towards the area and tried to catch the net. She managed to grab it, but she couldn't stop it. For the net was raised up again and she had to let go in order to avoid being captured.

Officer Kevin Darkling caught her and she felt tears come to her eyes. She sobbed uncontrollably, burying her face in his uniform.

The helicopter received the net and the bottom hatches were closed. It then flew off, its propellers spinning their way off into the horizon, where the helicopter made the jump to lightspeed and disappeared. 

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