C H A P T E R - F I V E

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Kelly Severide walked into Firehouse 51 without a doubt in his mind that today would be a normal shift. But, naturally, something had to go wrong.

He had offered Peter Mills a position on Squad 3 after he finished his training, Benny Severide had returned to 51 and Mills asked for answers about his father's death, Leslie Shay was going through with an insemination process where Kelly was the donor. He also had the thought that Heather Darden and Casey were seeing each other. All in all, his last three months at the firehouse had not been normal.

That's how long it had been since Renee Royce had left - three months. And there was still no word from Alyssa Torres. Alyssa had left six months ago now and Kelly's ache for her had only gotten worse.

The next shift had started with Matt Casey approaching him while he was fixing a saw. Severide had seen something that seemed more than friendly between the Truck lieutenant and the Darden widow and he hadn't liked it.

And then, just before this shift, he had stopped at Casey's to drop off a bottle of Scotch since Benny Severide had elbowed him in the face when Mills and Benny got into a fight. He had heard Heather calling from the back of the house and his mind instantly knew that they had done something the night before.

Boden informed Casey that Mills was getting Severide's help to get onto Squad - something that Casey hadn't taken very well even though he tried to put on a facade as if he didn't.

"Heather and I are just friends. She fell asleep on my couch after she came over to talk," Casey had said after approaching the Squad lieutenant on the apparatus floor.

Severide had given him a dismissive answer that told the man he didn't believe him.

"I don't know what you want me to say," Casey says as he follows Kelly around the Truck rig so he could put the saw back under the Squad rig.

"Say whatever you want, Casey, I saw what I saw."

"You can't imagine being wrong, can you?"

"I can imagine a lot of things, Casey. But you sleeping with Andy Darden's widow isn't one of them."

He knew that he had said it loud enough that the other firefighters on the apparatus floor had heard him. But he didn't care. He knew what he saw and he didn't care if others heard the truth.

Casey scoffed and walked away but Severide wasn't done.

"Explain to me why Heather barely talks to me but she'll fuck you even though you put her husband through that window!"

As soon as the glass to the garage doors shattered, gunshots echoed in from outside of the firehouse, and the bullets continued to shatter the windows in the door.

Everyone immediately hit the ground, covering their heads with their arms.

As soon as they made sure everyone was okay and no one was hit, Boden called the police, wanting parole around the firehouse and for information.

The detective that showed up had suggested that Voight was behind this but Casey had denied it after bringing up that Voight wouldn't do this when his dismissal hearing was close.

The detective told the firefighters that there would be officers in and around the firehouse for the protection of the men inside.

Herrmann immediately dissed the idea of having cops in the firehouse, saying that it was a bad sign to the community but Boden was also quick to comfort the man.

Severide and Shay continued with the talk of the insemination. The man was worried about the cost and knew that Shay would have trouble paying for it on a paramedic's salary. They talked about how it would work and what Kelly's part would be even though he felt that it was fairly obvious. But he still agreed to help - he wanted his best friend to be happy and if having a baby was what it took then he was in.

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