C H A P T E R - N I N E T E E N

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While Alyssa Torres had always dreamed of living in a family house with Kelly Severide, it, was by no means, to be like it this.

They received a call every three hours from the Intelligence Unit, checking in to make sure that everything was going well. Detectives came and swept the perimeter every 4 hours, they got grocery deliveries every Sunday at 10 am. And this schedule changed every Monday morning so Julian Black would be unable to catch onto their plans.

All in all, it was absolutely exhausting. She had to remember when to get the grocery list to Erin Linsday, then make sure that her phone was always charged and near her so she didn't miss the three-hour mark - which had happened once.

She and Kelly, deciding to make the best out of a bad situation, and having the house completely to themselves, decided to do some ... sexual things ... in various rooms of the house. They had started in the bedroom, which was where Alyssa had left her phone, and then moved to make dinner. That was where Alyssa had been bent over the counter by Kelly. Then, feeling sweaty and disgusting, they decided to take a bath. Which resulted in a very soapy puddle of water pooling in the bathroom.

That was the three-hour mark.

And that was the first, and only, missed call.

Within ten minutes, the front door of the house was slammed open, bringing Alyssa and Kelly out of whatever intricate sex position Kelly had put them in for it to work in the bath. They only had a few seconds between the thundering footsteps up the stairs and the bathroom door flying open to pull a towel around their naked bodies.

"Good god!" Jay Halstead cried, slapping his hand over his eyes and blindly turning around and exiting the bathroom.

"Do you know how to knock?" Alyssa called, wrapping the towel tighter around herself as she

"Do you know how to answer your goddamn phone, Lys?" Antonio Dawson called angrily from outside the now-closed bathroom doors.

Alyssa looked at the counter where she normally left her phone to find it wasn't there. "Shit," she groans, realizing her mistake. The phone was then aggressively shoved into the bathroom by Dawson and then grabbed by Alyssa.

There were seven missed calls from the various Intelligence Unit agents and then a handful of text messages from them.

"Next time you better be dead," Dawson calls, slamming his hand on the wall before calling his men out of the house.

Alyssa cast a sheepish look down at Kelly who only laughed at her and then pulled her back into the now cold bath.

She had yet to leave or enter a room without her phone on her since then.

"Morning, sweetheart," Kelly called to her as she entered the kitchen. His back was to her - his naked back - as he cooked breakfast.

"Morning," she smiled, walking over to the man. She wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her cheek on his back, her eyes shutting. "Missed you when I woke up," she mumbles.

"Figured you might like some breakfast," Kelly smiles, reaching behind him with his spare hand and resting a hand on the woman's hip.

"Would've preferred you for breakfast," she smiles against his back, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of his neck.

"You can have me for lunch," Kelly laughs, gently tapping her hip before moving his hand farther around her to gently smack her ass.

There was silence as Kelly finished making the two of them breakfast, dishing up plates before leading the woman over to the couch. They sat side-by-side, watching whatever crime show was playing on the TV.

The two never had much to do during the day, they ate meals, watched shows between, had sex, and that was about it. They had cleaned up as much as they could - the house was already neat when they got there. They did the daily chores - laundry, dishes, and sweeping every once in a while.

"I miss Liam," Alyssa mumbled quietly, about an hour after breakfast while the two were cuddled on the couch.

"I know, Lys," Kelly answered, running a hand through her hair and then kissing her forehead. "But this will be over soon, sweetheart, I promise."

Alyssa made a noise of understanding but couldn't fully believe it. "Will it?" she questions. "Will it be over soon, Kel?"

The man sighed, shifting slightly on the couch so he could rest his chin on the top of Alyssa's head. "I don't know, sweetheart," he whispers, kissing the top of her head. "I don't know. But I hope so. We can go back to normal, back to work. It'll be okay, baby girl, okay?"

Alyssa nodded, burying her face into the man's neck. He ran his fingers through her hair with one hand, using the other to hold her in place on his lap. "I love you, Lys."

"I love you too," she answers, gently kissing his neck.

The rest of the day went by like every day before that. They cleaned the dishes from breakfast, then made lunch and washed those dishes, washed a load of laundry, watched TV, showered (with a quickie), and then made dinner.

It was Alyssa's night to cook - they switched off and on every day to make it not so boring with meals. Not really feeling like making a large meal, the woman made buttered parmesan noodles and wrapped herself up in one of Kelly's hoodies.

They ate dinner in bed this time, using Kelly's laptop to turn on a movie. A bottle of wine was split between them, not bothering for glasses, and opted to just drink straight from the bottle.

Alyssa fell asleep first, her empty bowl sitting on the nightstand and her head fell onto her boyfriend's shoulder.

Feeling the weight of the woman's head on his shoulder, Kelly glanced down, smiling softly to himself before switching off the movie and setting the laptop on the ground.

Once again, not the best chapter. I have the ending in mind soon so I'm just looking for filler chapters. I'm hoping to have the next chapter out around the end of next week. This and the Lieutenant's Candidate are the only two published books that I am actively working on. I have a few Harry Potter unpublished stories that I am working on as well as some Tommyinnit and Aaron Hotchner stories. I'm not sure if I will be posting any new stories soon but I do have a lot of time off of school in the next two months.

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