C H A P T E R - T E N

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~ This chapter of Back to Chaos is based on the Chicago Fire episodes You Will Hurt Him and Not Like This (Season 2 Episodes 9 and 10). The rights to Chicago Fire belong to Dick Wolf and NBC and they are used strictly in this story for entertainment purposes. ~

July 14.

Leslie Shay had transferred out of 51 after she met her new girlfriend, Devon, and after her fight with Gaby Dawson over the best way to handle the suicide case they had faced. Dawson had already been through one partner and was now onto her next one: McAuley.

Both Dawson and Severide had tried to convince Shay to return to 51 but the blonde was ignoring Dawson and wouldn't listen to Kelly. So now 51 was cycling through paramedics to fill Shay's spot and none of them seemed to match the energy that Shay had provided at 51.

Everything had been going fine until Devon robbed the apartment - luckily Kelly had started locking his bedroom door in fear that the woman might do something like that. But Shay was heartbroken over it. She really liked Devon and it had hurt her when the apartment was ransacked.

After breakfast, Kelly was heading to his office when Boden called out to him, saying that Shay hadn't arrived at shift at 25. The lieutenant was quick to make excuses for his best friend but Boden was done with the excuses. Severide grabs his phone and calls the blonde but he was almost instantly sent to voicemail.

The man groans but then goes to find Dawson, hoping that the paramedic had heard something from her ex-partner.

"Hey, have you heard from Shay?" Kelly asks, finding the woman exiting the common room.

"I don't hear from Shay, period."

The man groans, not knowing why the woman would switch from the firehouse and then not show up to work at the new house.

Dawson, along with almost everyone else at the firehouse, hated Dawson's new partner McAuley. He expected the worst from every call and vocally expressed how everything could wrong in front of the families of the victim.

It was the worst on the last call that they went on when there was a man stuck in the trash compactor. When they got the victim out, he had a broken femur and McAuley vocally talked about all the infections that the victim would get until Herrmann finally snapped at the man to shut up. They were all growing increasingly annoyed with the man and Herrmann was only the first one to snap at the man. Dawson had tried multiple times to get the man to shut up. Even though he did at the current calls they were at, he would start again at the next one.

Everyone at 51 was hoping that a new paramedic would replace him by the next shift.

It was almost eight o'clock at night when Shay still hadn't returned the man's calls. He packed up the Squad firefighters and took a ride over to their apartment. After searching both floors, he found it was empty. But there was an empty bottle of scotch on the counter.

The entire night, Kelly had the Squad guys drive around to every hangout he knew that Leslie went to but they didn't find her. To say the least, the man was pissed. He wanted his best friend back. He had lost both her and Alyssa and it was draining mentally and emotionally for the man.

When they returned to the firehouse the morning that the shift was over, Severide confronted Dawson. He explained that he was tired of her shit and that she needed to help to find Shay because he wasn't going to stand for this shit.

"I have lost my best friend and Alyssa in too short of time. I can't do this anymore, Dawson," the man's voice broke as tears filled his eyes. "I need help, Dawson. I can't keep doing this on my own."

Dawson promised to help look for Shay, saying that she might know some hiding spot that Shay told her about when they were having personal conversations in the ambulance on the way to calls.

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