eleven [meetings and mockery]

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There were three things George knew:
1. He and Dream were about to kiss.
2. He did not move away when he and Dream were about to kiss.
3. He needed to avoid Dream so that they would never 'almost kiss' again.

It was simple, really. Avoiding Dream could be a piece of cake. He just wouldn't stay late after cheer practices, or go to the cafeteria, or do something extravagant at the football games again.


The only problem was the duties he needed to fulfill for the student council. He was vice president, and they had a meeting on Thursday.

George was able to avoid Dream on Tuesday, and Wednesday, but when it came Thursday, he was required to go to Puffy's room during lunch for the first student council meeting of the year.

Technically, he and Dream were supposed to have something planned out for the group to talk about. Technically, George didn't give a shit. He had some ideas of his own, and surely Dream had come up with something as well. The zombie was always full of ideas.

He got to the room early, thanks to his favorite teacher giving him a pass. But, annoyingly enough, Dream was already there, talking to Puffy as if he was her golden child.

George, pointedly, took the seat farthest away from Dream's. He sat down with a huff and crossed his arms. He really needed the other members to show up soon, so he wouldn't have to be alone with Dream.

Purposely, he kept his eyes on the table. He hadn't looked at Dream since he had come in, and immediately turned his gaze away. Seeing the blonde's obnoxious attractiveness would only make him want to start talking to the zombie again. But, he didn't want to talk to Dream, he didn't.

"George," Puffy reprimanded. "What are you doing? Sit over here."

George, obviously, did not want to sit over there, by Dream, but he did so anyway, reluctantly. He owed it to Puffy.

The chair next to Dream was already pulled out. He ignored the grin he knew was on the zombie's face and sat down.

He didn't have to say anything, luckily, because the other members of the council started showing up. He had some friends in student council. Well, moreso acquaintances, but instead of sitting by him, they all went right to Dream's side, gawking over the new school president. The only person that talked to George was Quackity. When did he join student council?

"I heard about the other day, man," he whispered. "Don't know why you ran away."

George was confused. "How do you know that?"

Quackity only grinned. "I heard Dream whining about it to Sapnap the other day, about how he was an idiot and should have closed the distance before you could run out."

George scoffed. There was no way Dream actually wanted to kiss him. Quackity was lying. It was all just a ploy in his Fifty Shades of Gray tension scheme.

"He's a good kisser, you definitely should have stayed," the zombie assured.

"And how would you know that?"

Quackity didn't say anything, only leaving a smile on his lips as Georgs shot him a scrutinizing gaze. The zombie in the beanie was confusing, and annoying.

Puffy started the meeting before he could say anything else.

The meeting was dumb overall.

There wasn't really anything to talk about since it was the start of the year , but Dream made it his mission to talk about pointless shit the entire time. He made points about how the stupid zombie language they had should be offered as a course, and how zombies simply needed to be allowed to go to Homecoming, which only happened to be less than a month away.

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