seventeen [dances and diversity]

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Dream wasn't lying about making George look sexy.

When they finished getting ready, George was wearing a light blue suit that clashed perfectly with Dream's green one. His hair looked better than normal, and his eyeliner was simply on fire (Dream let George do his eyeliner as well, and now the zombie looked hot as hell also).

They looked hot, probably the hottest couple to attend Seabrook ever , and George had about a million mirror pictures of them to prove it.

When they finally left the room, George's mom made sure to take pictures of them doing all the basic poses. She even tried to make them kiss for the camera, but George rushed the pair out before it could happen.

It was just after six, but the dance didn't start until seven. Dream insisted that they meet up with the others for a dinner of some sort, so they went to the same place they'd gone to last week, the place where Dream had asked him on their first date.

At the table, Karl, Sapnap, Tina, and Quackity were all sat. The two zombies looked like Dream, all full faces and non-green hair. Quackity was still wearing a stupid beanie, but at least Sapnap wasn't wearing his dumb bandana.

Although George had grown to like them, he did not like their accessories.

They sat down and for once George wasn't avoiding Dream's gaze in a group setting. He actually looked at Dream basically the entire time they were eating and completely missed every part of the conversation that didn't involve Dream talking.

It was a little embarrassing, but when Dream looked like that, it was physically impossible to pull his eyes away.

When their food was all gone, the group headed to the dance.

Quackity was walking with his arm around Tina's shoulders (George had found out they were going to the dance together as friends since neither wanted to fifth wheel), Karl and Sapnap were holding hands, and Dream offered to give George a piggyback ride.

George declined, only for Dream to pick him up bridal style moments later.

They walked like that for the entire duration of the five-minute walk to school.

When they reached Seabrook High, the front was swarming with cops. Each person planning on going inside had to get past a policeman stationed at the front of the school.

Luckily, George saw a familiar blonde and tugged his friends all the way to his station.

"Sam," he greeted sinisterly. "Lovely to see you tonight. My friends and I would love to walk by without the precautions. We are all very lovely humans that have never had a thought about eating brains in our entire life."

Sam pursed his lips and looked directly at Dream, Sapnap, and Quackity. He scoffed, "Fine, whatever. But if I get in trouble it's on your dad."

George grinned. "He already knows."

They brushed past Sam and made their way to the gymnasium.

It was decorated beautifully. Streamers and balloons were everywhere, and the stage was decked in the same lights that surrounded the houses in zombie land.

It was then that George remembered he was on student council and was therefore supposed to set up the whole dance earlier that morning. He looked up at Dream with a frown but the zombie was already smiling, "Don't worry. I told Puffy you were grounded and no one else asked questions."

George felt bad, but really it wasn't his fault. It was his parents. He smiled softly and pulled Dream down for a soft kiss before he could think ahead.

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