fifteen [evasions and extrications]

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( i changed the title to against all odds because i felt like a little death didn't quite fit the characters!
sorry for any confusion :D )

On Friday, Dream was back in the lunchroom. And so was George.

He really didn't want to sit next to the zombie, but there were no other spots open. Plus, he didn't want to look like a complete asshole. Dream was the one that left him, so if the zombie didn't want to be near George, then he could just leave again.

George didn't talk much during lunch. He basically scowled at Dream the entire time and whenever he saw Karl or Tina, or even Quackity looking at him he'd avoid their gaze. It was boring, but he really didn't feel like talking.

The rest of the day was surprisingly peaceful. He went home feeling sort of okay about everything. Seriously, George wasn't thinking about Dream's attractiveness or determination or even how flustered (cute) he got when the brunette said something flirty. George really wasn't admiring Dream's personality at all .

At the game, he decided not to wear the letterman for obvious reasons. He put it in his bag, though. It was just so he could give it back to Dream, okay? It wasn't because he still wanted to wear it after everything that happened.

Tina and Karl had tried to ask him what was wrong, but as soon as they came near him, George went in the opposite direction. However, Karl persisted, and while George was stretching in the corner (as far away from people as possible) he snuck up on him and whispered, "Sapnap told me what happened."

George stood back up and scoffed, "And how would Sapnap know?"

"Dream told him, obviously," Karl smiled. "He feels really bad about it."

George knew that Dream felt bad. It was clear as day whenever he so much as looked at the zombie. He was still pissed about the cop car incident, though, and he would need a big apology in order to actually forgive Dream. He was dramatic like that.

"He could try apologizing," George suggested vexatiously.

Karl raised his eyebrows and grinned. "Yeah, because you haven't completely ignored him every time he's tried to talk to you."

"I was in a cop car , Karl," George replied lazily. "I could have died ."

Suddenly, Tina was next to them. "You can't die in a cop car, George. That's like the safest place ever."

"Besides a top-secret government base," Karl added.

"Or a-"

"Okay!" George interrupted. "I get it. I'll let him talk to me... but after the game. I'm not in the mood right now."

Tina rolled her eyes lightly. "When are you ever in the mood?"

Karl giggled and George had to laugh too. He was being an idiot.

The game was okay.

Apart from Dream's longing glances at George every five minutes that made it seem like they were in some trashy rom-com movie, it was kind of fun.

The football team was absolutely killing the opposers and the halftime show that George put together with the rest of the cheerleaders was epic. The crowd was cheering so loudly that George could barely hear his own breathing. It was insane.

Before the game ended, however, there was a mishap on the field.

Dream started running slower than usual, and then the whole other team was tackling him. No one on Seabrook was around to block, so Dream went down under about five players from the opposite side. It was like a dog pile, and George found himself wondering if Dream was okay.

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