thirteen [sisters and sheriffs]

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When George made his way to the border of zombie land, he was kind of nervous. What if Dream was planning on kidnapping him? What if he ate him? George's brain was much too precious for a zombie like Dream to be the end of him.

He reached the border at approximately seven fifty-nine. He didn't see Dream yet, so he leaned back against the gate, right under the huge sign that announced to anyone with eyes that here was where all the brain-eaters lived (George knew now that they didn't eat brains anymore, but still, they used to, and that had to count for something).

When it was eight o'clock, George was getting annoyed. Where the hell was Dream and why wasn't he here yet? George was not a fan of standing out in the dark alone.

But, he felt something on his shoulders, two big hands, and then a voice was whispering 'Boo". George almost jumped in fright.

He turned around to see it was Dream and suddenly felt like punching something. Even outside of school, the zombie kept up his annoying antics. "You're terrible."

Dream only grinned as he started walking away into the town filled with zombie homes. "Come on," he said, "I want to show you something before we go."

George decided not to say anything and instead followed Dream through the gate. The houses on the other side were covered in lights. Fairy lights, hanging lanterns, etc. It was incredible, like nothing George had ever seen before.

Dream led him past two houses before stopping and turning into the next yard. It was a smaller house, definitely much tinier than George's, but all the light decorations made it seem extremely cozy. The front yard had a couple of crates with different lighting around them, and on one of the crates was a little girl holding a small gray cat.

"Drista!" Dream called out, "Come meet George."

The little girl, Drista , stood up, the cat still in her arms, and walked towards the two boys. George took the time to observe her more. She looked only a couple of years younger than he and Dream, maybe a freshman in high school. Her hair was blonde like Dream's, and had the same green streaks that took up almost all of it. Her battered clothes also looked the same as Dream, and it was then that George realized they looked almost exactly alike.

"Hi George," she said with a sigh before going back to petting the cat.

"Drista..." Dream warned.

"What? " she groaned. "I met him now, are you happy?"

Dream scoffed and walked over to her, stealing the cat from her grasp. "I told you to be nice to him."

The zombie walked back over to George and held the cat up. "This is Patches. She reminds me of you."

George scoffed. "And why is that?"

"She's mean and bites you until you get to know her. Then she's the most lovable creature on the planet," Dream smiled lazily.

George was definitely blushing, but he ignored it and reached out a hand to Patches. She sniffed it and purred, so George moved his fingers behind her ears as he pet her. She relaxed immediately into his touch, it was cute.

"God, even Patches is in love with him," Drista said from behind them. George could practically feel her eye roll. She turned to George then, crossing her arms. "He's obsessed with you, you know. Never shuts up about how amazing this guy named George is. How you were so mean, but he could see the lovable guy underneath. And how-"

Dream was over there, putting a hand over her mouth before she could say anything else. He looked over to George with a nervous smile, "She's exaggerating. She's been super overdramatic ever since she joined drama club."

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