sixteen [gloominess and guests]

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The next morning, George was sulking.

It was insanely unfair that his parents were being like this.

They were the ones that allowed the school to be zombie inclusive in the first place, so they should be excited about George making out with one on the football field. They should be ecstatic that he and the star football player are a thing , or whatever.

He didn't even wear Dream's letterman at the game yesterday.

He was too upset. But it was his last game ever, and now he regretted it.

George hated being wrong, feeling guilt .

He'd gone into the school year thinking that all the zombies would be terrible. That they would ruin his senior year and make him regret ever going to Seabrook in the first place. But he actually liked them.

He liked Dream and his stupid smile and dumb jokes and all the banter they had going on between them. He actually liked Quackity, even though he was annoying. He liked Quackity's snide remarks and warped sense of humor. He even liked Sapnap. He didn't know him too well, but if he made Karl happy, then George was glad they were together (even if they were way too annoying with all the PDA).

Dream becoming president may have been the best thing to ever happen to George. Obviously, he was mad about it for a while , but the fact that a zombie had won over him was really humbling. Especially now that he knew the reasons Dream was doing all of it.

Holy shit Dream was amazing. And George actually had a crush on him. And Dream actually liked him back. And they kissed twice .

It was all too much.

George buried himself in his covers, rolling over dramatically in a way to express his sorrows.

He couldn't go to Homecoming and he'd be left out of all his friend's pictures and parties while he stayed home all because his parents were being annoying. Well, and because he wouldn't tell them that he snuck out with Dream a week ago.

Sneaking out didn't seem like enough of a reason to ban him from his last Homecoming ever, but his parents were strict. Being the mayor and chief of police, they had so many rules that George just had to follow, or else. It was dumb.

George spent the day avoiding his parents and staying off his phone.

He didn't want to see everything his friends were doing without him. Karl was definitely going with Sapnap, and Tina and Quackity were probably going along as well. Even Dream was probably with them- George didn't want to think about that .

He sighed and pulled his hoodie up.

At five pm, the doorbell rang.

George ignored it, thinking it was a delivery or someone there for his parents. But five minutes later, there was a knocking outside his room and then the door opened and his parents were standing there, with a strange-looking Dream behind them.

George immediately straightened up and turned the lights on. He tried to look at least somewhat presentable because Dream was standing there, with blonde hair, full skin, non-red eyes, and a sage green suit. George was speechless, because seriously, what the fuck do you say when someone looks as good as Dream does?

"Hey," Dream said easily, "I told your parents why you snuck out with me last week."

George looked at him, mouth still agape, and brows furrowed in confusion.

"For our date?" Dream provided.

The brunette's mouth snapped shut at that. He quickly nodded. "Yeah. Yes. Our date. "

His parents were now smiling . A minute ago they were frowning, face contorted in disappointment with his dishonesty. It was strange that their dimples were now showing.

"Honey," his mom said, voice tender, "If you snuck out to go on a date, you could have just told us in the first place."

George's eyes involuntarily widened, "Really? You would have let me go into zombie town at night?"

"With the right protection," his father added.

George scoffed, but he was smiling anyway.

His parents stepped out of the way and now Dream was walking in, holding a large piece of paper behind his back.

When he showed off the paper, it was a poster with the stupid saying 'Going to hoco with you would be a Dream. Will you be my Zom-date?'

George laughed at its stupidity, but the reality of their position suddenly hit him. "Are you asking me to Homecoming, idiot?"

Dream smiled the smile that George would have called annoying mere weeks ago. Now, it was endearing. "Yes. I made it during lunch last week."

The brunette scoffed. " This is the reason you weren't at lunch? I thought you were avoiding me."

Dream shrugged. "That too."

George threw a pillow at him, but Dream dodged and it landed on the floor near his parents. Suddenly, he remembered. "Well, I can't go to Homecoming, so..."

"You can," his mom cut in. "Now that we know why you snuck out, and the fact that it was for a good reason, you're free to go." She paused, looking at Dream sympathetically. "And now, since zombies aren't allowed due to yesterday , you have to be the stand-in president."

George frowned and looked at Dream. "Zombies aren't allowed?"

He sighed. "Yeah, after what I did yesterday, Ms. Rose said that zombies are too much of a threat to be at a school dance with all the humans."

"That wasn't your fault," George affirmed because it was true. "There's no way I'm going without you."

Dream grinned and this time George wasn't completely aggravated by it. "Well," he said teasingly, "that's why I look like this. I'm gonna sneak in so I can dance with you. And watch you win Homecoming king."

George flushed. He'd forgotten about his campaign for Homecoming after he'd lost the presidency. The president usually won, but now since Dream couldn't go, he would definitely be getting the crown.

"We'll leave you to be," Mr. Davidson announced.

"Come out when you're ready to take pictures," his mom added.

And with that, the door closed and George was left with a very attractive Dream in front of him.

He decided to live life to the fullest, by flirting. "How do you look hot as a zombie and a human?"

Dream rolled his eyes. "I can do any look. Even monster, apparently. Don't think I didn't notice you staring at me every football game. And you kissed me like that as well, so..."

George scoffed, but his cheeks were turning a flush pink.

He took another glance at the zombie in front of him. He looked like Dream, but it was almost like the blonde hair didn't fit (even if it was sexy on Dream anyway). "I think the green hair looks better, honestly," he teased, although he was telling the truth.

"Yeah?" George nodded. "Well, I've got to pretend to be human just for tonight." He paused, sighing, "Luckily for me, they fixed my band after yesterday. So no more full-on zombie mode, but I can still adjust it to become more human." He grinned, "I think the blonde is a nice touch."

George laughed. "Such a fashionista."

Dream smiled before standing up and reaching out a hand. "C'mon. We've got an hour to make you look sexy."

"Sexy?" George asked as he took Dream's hand.

The zombie pulled him up so that their chests were flush against one another. "Mmhm," he hummed lowly. "Gotta make sure my date is the hottest one there."

George scoffed. "I'm the hottest one anywhere."

Dream smiled softly and tugged them all the way to George's ensuite.

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