The Alleyway

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Ametrine POV

I waited with some of the clones of the 212th batallion talking idly about our mission in the travel cruiser. Commander Cody told me that we are to free the Twi'leks on Ryloth now that Anakin and Ahsoka have broken the blockade. Our conversation was interrupted by Obi-wan loading onto our ship, followed by Master Windu who stayed behind. " The First trick will be getting out troops on the ground." My master spoke casually " If you take the city of Nabat first we'll have our landing zone." Windu advised. Having Master Windu in action was very nerve-racking, the man was extremely intimidating. I found myself standing up straighter than I ever had before, out of the corner of my eye I could see some of the clones snicker. " Well, it's time to meet the natives," Kenobi said crossing his arms, soon the cruiser took off heading straight for Ryloth.

Just before we landed Obi-wan gave some last-minute instructions "before we go in, we need to remember why we are here. We came to aid the Twi'leks, not destroy their home. Cody" Cody soon replaced Obi-wan's spot to address the men, meaning the Jedi stood next to me. " That means we are doing this the hard way. Minimal destruction with blasters and droid poppers only. No rockets or detonators. Check your aim. Keep your eye out for the locals" I felt Obi-wan place a hand on my shoulder 'That goes for you as well trin, no creating bombs or cutting through buildings with your lightsaber or-' ' I get it master, minimum destruction. You know as you padawan I would hope you could trust me not to destroy a planet' I conversed through the force. Since we met, Obi-wan and I have found that conversation through the force is our best form of communication. It keeps things private and strengthens not only our bond to the force but our bond to each other. ' you know I do, my little Padawan. It is that forgetful brain of yours I worry about' He taunted. We then prepared for the challenge ahead of us. Unfortunately, it only got harder as Windu contacted us saying we need to destroy the canons before they can even land.

I ran low to the ground in the seemingly dead forest, it wasn't too long before we were blasted upon. The only way to get over the wall was by taking out the droids, so Waxer, Boil, Master and I moved closer up ahead. Waxer threw one droid popper but it wasn't far enough, " Try again Waxer I'll give you some help," I told. The clone threw the popper and this time I used the force to send it right over the wall, straight to the droids. Gotcha. With the wall done we entered the city. " Send your best men to scout ahead for us Cody, Ametrine I want you to go with them," Obi-wan said looking at the cannons. " Yes sir", the clones responded while I stared at him " are you sure master?" he gave me a soft smile "it's like you said trin, I should trust you". I didn't do anything for a moment, he trusts me. My chest filled with two new things pride and determination, I will not fail. I met up with the other clones reacquainting myself with them right before we left.

Upon our departure, Cody kept talking about what makes a city, though I wasn't listening. I just couldn't help but look at the ghost town and feel the pain and suffering of the Twi'leks it wasn't pleasant one bit. Cody split us up, leaving him and two other clones to go north while Boil, Waxer, and I went south. " I'll tell you this place is creepy" Waxer said as we carefully walked down yet another abandoned street. " understatement of the Year" I responded, " you think they killed all of them?" " well. There are no bodies" I looked at Boil "No, I can sense way too much life around here for the whole city to be dead". We continued on our way keeping a low profile and high guard, suddenly we here stones moving coming from an alleyway. I instantly ignited my lightsaber and led the others after the sound. To my surprise, it wasn't a droid but a small Twi'lek girl, I sighed disengaging my weapon and kneeling down to the child. " stand down men, it's just a little girl" I told them my eyes not leaving the child, she looked back at me and instantly her face went from scared to mesmerized. " well, what are we gonna do with her?" " whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, why do we have to do anything?" the clones behind me argued. " well we obviously can't leave her here" I said holding my hand out for the little girl "it's dangerous and the poor thing is all alone". Waxer and Boil decided to ignore my statement and continue to argue, The young Twi'lek looked away from me, and instantly she was back to being scared, I followed her gaze. " look, she's even scared of us" Boil said oblivious to the separatist droid behind him. " Not you, it. Get down!" I ordered, hiding in the shadows of the alley. " that was a recon unit, look we got to get back," Boil said as he headed towards the exit " we can't leave her here" I agreed with Waxer, she is only a child. Boil bent down and put his hand out to the child, only to have her bite his finger. I giggled at the scene and then felt two little arms cling to my side behind me, the little Twi'lek was using me as a shield, her face looked at me and then back at the clones. " Boil, Waxer.. Take your helmets off. I believe our little friends thinks you are droids," I told them once again kneeling down to her height. Once the girl saw that they were flesh and blood she looked back to me and rubbed her stomach. " poor thing, she must be starved" Boil said, Waxer then handed me a raions bar to give her. I looked at the child who stared straight into my eyes " here" I said holding out the bar " take it" she eyed it for a second before she took it from my hand and scarfed it down. When she was she looked at the three of us and pointed " Nerra, Nerra, Jiljoo" she said. Jiljoo? What did jiljoo mean? Or Nerra for that matter. I instantly cursed myself for not having Obi-wan teach me any of these languages. Waxer tried to correct the little girl but it was no use, she just kept calling them Nerra. Boil insisted we leave so Waxer tried to get the girl to go with us, but she wouldn't move. It pained me but we really had to go, so grudgingly we left the little Twi'lek in the alley.

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