36 7 2

TW// suicide ideation

'So how was your meeting?' Linda asks first thing next morning.

Frank hasn't even got himself any coffee, so he's not really in the mood for any of this. 'You know, nothing special.' He knows Father Gerard will tell her everything on Sunday, so why bother.

'Well, I'm glad you're at least trying to get better, honey.'

Frank can't help rolling his eyes. 'I'm only going because the court is making me do it. Don't get too excited.' That'll only lead to disappointment, he thinks to himself. He knows that too well. 'But Father Gerard will probably tell you all about it when you see him.'

'You met Father Way?'

Frank nods, sitting next to his mother. 'He's the one leading the group.'


That seems like it's news to Linda, but she doesn't say anything about it. 'Well, I'm sure he's not supposed to talk about that, hence the anonymous part of it.'

'Unlike before I joined, when you guys didn't mind talking about me.' Linda turns to him, confused. 'He said you asked him to pray for me.'

'Frankie, I –' she says, resting a hand of Frank's arm.

'Am I that bad? You think this fictional creature you guys believe in is the only one who can save me? You think I'm that hopeless?!' Frank had sworn to himself that he wouldn't let himself cry anymore, but he can't help it. There's a lump on his throat making it hard for him to keep going, to even breathe. 'I don't need your prayers.'

And that's all he says before getting up and going upstairs to his room.


Frank is tired of people feeling sorry for him.

So he's going to show them he's not a hopeless case who needs prayers. He's going to get his shit together.

He takes a shower and goes job hunting.

He knows it's hard getting a job at his age, with no college degree, and when the only job he's ever done his whole life is playing music. Maybe bartending here and there, and that one month he worked as a cashier. So his options are limited.

Apparently most places only take online applications now – it's been a while –, so that complicates things even more. He goes to the deli down the street, but they tell him a cook with a broken arm is pretty much useless.

At the grocery store, they tell him he'd need to carry heavy boxes, which he clearly can't with only one arm, so he leaves.

They say the same thing at the two fast food restaurants he goes to, the bookstore, and a bar. The guy at the record store says he'll call him, but Frank knows he won't. So, he goes home, defeated.

Maybe his mom and everyone else are right. He's hopeless.

He needs a miracle.

Too bad he doesn't believe in that shit.

'Frank?' he hears someone calling as he's about to cross the street. When he turns around, he sees Simone, Ryan's sister and her little kid, Kayla. And it takes everything in Frank not to start sobbing.

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