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The worst part is waking up.

Frank opens his eyes and taking it all in again. Ryan is no longer here, and life is just painful.

What's the point of getting up if he has nothing to live for, no purpose or anyone who made life worth living.

His days are empty, and he's just waiting for that one thing that makes him lose it.

After lord knows how many hours just laying in bed, wondering what would be the fastest way to go, Frank finally gets up only to go to the bathroom.

And now that he's up, he needs a cigarette.

Except he's out of cigarettes.

'Fuck!' he mutters under his breath, because at the moment he has no money. And he could ask his mom to lend him some, but it's embarrassing enough to depend on her for everything. So he needs a job now, or he'll have to go back to his old ways from college, and he's too old for that.

He grabs his jean jacket and a hat, and walks out of the house.

The things he does for a cigarette.

He considers going to the employment center over at the strip mall, but most likely he won't be able to do any of the jobs they offer for at least another week until they take the cast off. So, he walks down the road, looking for any HELP NEEDED signs. He fills a couple applications, at some local shops and restaurants, before heading for the convenience store. And just then, he runs into the last person he expected to run into.

Father Gerard.

Standing outside the convenience store, smoking.

'Oh, hey,' the priest greets him when he notices it's him.

'Hey.' Frank doesn't know how to react. It's a little weird to see him out here in the world, smoking like anyone else. 'Why are you out here?'

'Father Joseph doesn't like when we smoke inside the church, or anywhere near.' Father Gerard blows out smoke, holding the cigarette between his fingers, his sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and Frank tries not to look. Because it's unfair that he's this attractive and he's a fucking priest.

'Are you even supposed to smoke?' Frank jokes, avoiding eye contact.

'There's no rule that says that I can't.'

Frank likes that attitude. He stands there by the door for a minute, unsure about whether to go in or just stay here with him. 'I won't tell them if you let me have one,' Frank says. He has no idea where that came from.

And Gerard gives him a naughty smile, which doesn't help Frank's case. He offers him a cigarette and his lighter, and Frank feels a little better as soon as he puts the cigarette between his lips. 'Thanks,' he says.

'No problem.' There's a long silence, and Frank tries to ignore the fact that it's a little uncomfortable. He focuses on his cigarette, and looks around. He can't help wondering what would happen if Gerard wasn't a priest and they'd just met like two normal people. Would it work? Watching Gerard smoke, a lot of things go through Frank's mind.

It's another five minutes before Gerard finally speaks up. 'Were you in the middle of running errands?' he asks, and Frank can't help but laugh.

'Nah.' Frank can't help being a little embarrassed by his situation, but it's not like he's trying to impress Gerard, and he already kind of knows his life is a mess right now, so he just admits it. 'Actually, I was applying for a job here.'

'Oh,' Gerard says, looking intrigued. 'You're looking for a job?'

Frank shrugs. 'Kinda. It's getting embarrassing to ask my mom for money.'

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