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'Good morning,' Frank mumbles as he walks in the café on Saturday morning.

It's going to be a long day, and it's too early to be up, but it's nice to have a purpose.

'Hey,' Ray greets him, and Frank just knows he's been up all night baking, just by the look on his face. So, he puts on an apron and gets to it.

They don't talk much, just listen to Ray's classic rock playlist while mixing batter and rolling dough.

Frank likes this job. He likes how quiet it is this early in the morning, likes working with his hands. Focusing on making cookies, and not thinking of anything else. Having something to do. He never thought he'd enjoy it, but clearly, he was wrong.

'So –,' Ray says, breaking the silence as they put the last baking sheet in the over. They have half an hour before they have to open the café, and the coffee's already brewing. 'Nick's coming over to help in the kitchen, and I got Maddie and Chris for front of the house. So I'll drop you off at the church when they come in, and I'll come back to get the rest of the stuff.'

'Huh?' Frank turns to him, confused, only half aware he was talking.

'You didn't forget about the fundraiser, right? We're helping Gerard –'


Frank totally forgot about it. Or more like he tried not to overthink about it too much, he eventually forgot about it. 'No, I didn't. I just –'

'It's okay,' Ray assures him. 'I just need to leave everything ready for them. So if it's okay, you can start setting up the table, and all that.'

'Sure, yeah.' Is it too late to tell him he can't do it? It's not that he doesn't want to help, because he does. It's just – kind of weird to think of interacting with Father Gerard outside his meetings after the last couple times. Or maybe, it's the fact that Father Gerard makes him nervous for some reason. He knows too much, and Frank doesn't like that. But Frank can't say no to him.

'Great! Gerard's been there for me a lot, so this is the least I can do. Plus, helping others, you know –'

Frank just smiles. 'Yeah, I know what you mean. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have this job.'

'Sometimes I think he's too good to be true. But then I remember the things he did when we were young, and wonder if this is his way to make up for it.'

Huh. Interesting. Frank can't imagine Father Gerard not being this holy man dedicating his life to God and helping others, and even though he's talked about his troubled youth, Frank can't believe he's ever done nothing wrong. 'Hold on,' he says with what looks like a smile. 'Now you have to tell me.'

Ray laughs. 'Oh, no. He'd kill me. Just know he wasn't exactly the kind of guy who would have become a priest. But I'm glad it helped him find his way.'

Huh. Frank won't stop thinking about that now.

'Now, help me get some boxes,' Ray interrupts his thoughts, and Frank's thankful for that.

By the time the café is open, the morning crew is ready, and Frank and Ray get all the boxes of pastries in the van, and they're good to go.


'Are you sure it was today?' Frank asks as they pull outside the empty church.

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