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'So, I guess that concludes this session,' Father Gerard says to the group. 'Remember to take it one day at a time, and I'll see you next week.' Everyone gets up and leaves almost right away, while others stay to socialize by the refreshments table. Frank just reaches for the paper the court provided, ready to get the priest signature.

Only two more sessions to go.

Which means he only gets to see Father Gerard for two more weeks. And while Frank is already thinking of way to see him often after that, as he approaches him by the door and notices the priest's pale arms, and how tight the collar fits his neck, he figures that maybe it's best for him not to see him again after this.

Just to prevent his meandering thoughts.

'You made it another week,' Father Way comments the second he sees Frank. Always with a smile of his face. Fucker.

'Don't make me regret it,' Frank jokes, even though it's not really a joke. He just hopes Gerard can't notice his reaction.

'I hope you're at least learning something.'

Frank blushes. Yes, he's learning he has a thing for priests, apparently. All that catholic guilt only ruined him. Also, the fact that he's going to hell, for sure. But he kind of knew that already. Instead, he says, 'Well, I learned that I shouldn't get shitfaced to the point I crash on a fucking tree.'

Gerard doesn't seem to find that funny. 'I hope you're joking.'

Frank only lets out a nervous laugh, not sure he is. And now he hates himself for making things awkward. Father Way is probably thinking the worst about him right now. 'I am,' he says, embarrassed.


'I'm a changed man, now. I guess I have you to thank.'

Gerard brushes it off. 'Don't thank me. Th –'

But, Frank cuts him off immediately. 'Please, don't.'

The priest just gives him a confused look. 'What?'

'I know what you're gonna say, and if it involves the Lord, or fucking Jesus Christ –'

Gerard can't help but laugh. 'You really think I'm the kind of guy who says that?' Frank doesn't say a word, but he just looks at him in a way that says, Aren't you? 'Okay, I guess I kind of am. But not here, and not to someone I know doesn't believe in that. I respect that.'

'Okay, I appreciate that.'

Gerard continues. 'What I was trying to say is that the only person responsible for your progress is yourself. Be proud of that.'

'Oh.' All Frank can do is nod. He knows that Gerard is right, though it's hard to admit that. Not with the priest giving him that look, as if he knows what's going through his mind. Frank really needs to leave before he says something stupid. 'See you soon, then?'

'See you soon,' Father Way replies, just as Frank is making his way out of the church basement, trying to put some distance between them.

Yeah, he can't wait for the day when he doesn't have to see Gerard every week, because this is only making things worse.


Frank can at least use work as a distraction, and even stays a couple extra hours to help Ray. The more he can focus on veggie sandwiches and eggs, the less he can think about Gerard and his pretty eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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