1.Some Bottles, Some Kids

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Glasses were handed out as the contents of the bottles were poured into them. All the guys completely took over the drinking game as Lucy and the rest were left standing.

"Hey! You guys can't drink it all!" The Celestial Mage yelled as Gray and Natsu took sips of the liquid.

"Oi salamander! Give me some!" Gajeel shouted as he was passed a bottle and chugged it down. Laxas and Freed also joined in whereas Bixslow was already drunk with Cana and didn't want anymore.

After a extremely short time period empty bottles lay in the floor as everyone was laughing and giggling.

"What the hell? I don't feel drunk." Laxas complained and Freed nodded in agreement." It didn't really taste like it too."

"That's a bummer." Natsu whined. " I was hoping to kick that ice block's ass."

"What was that?!" Gray yelled as the two got into another conflict.

"That's enough!" Erza yelled causing the two boys to hug each other in fright. "Obviously this was just a hoax from some kids. Probably just toying with us."

The others nodded in disappointment as they continued on their previous activities.

Lucy sat on a bar stool next to Natsu as she looked at Mira.

"That was a let down." She sighed. Natsu mumbled to himself in agreement.

"Mmp!" Came a moan as Gray suddenly held on to his stomach in pain.

"Gray-sama! What's the matter?" Juvia yelped.

"Gray!" Erza ran up to him as he coughed and gasped for air. His lungs felt like he was in fire. Soon after that his whole body was practically burning. The Ice Mage grabbed onto the table as he tried to hold himself up. Not to long after Freed and Laxas collapsed in pain along with Gajeel and Natsu.

"What's happening?" Wendy cried out. "Is everyone okay?!"

Mira held onto Wendy to calm her down.

"Natsu, Gray!" Lucy called out. "Are you guys okay?"

"Gajeel looks bad too." Levy said concerned.

All of a sudden there was a bright light shining over the boys and all that was left was a pile of clothes.

"Natsu! Gray!" Happy cried out.

"Laxas and Freed disappeared too." Mirajane cried out.

"And Gajeel." Lily nodded.

"What the hell?" Came a adolescent voice. Everyone froze and looked at the moving pile of Natsu's clothes. A small pink haired boy crawled out of his pile of clothes. His shirt and pants were much too big in him, and he looked about 4 or 5 yrs old.

"Natsu is a baby!" Happy exclaimed as he flew over him.

"He's adorable!" Lucy giggled as she kneeled down to his height.

"I'm not cute, and why are you so tall?!" The toddler exclaimed.

"Wait if Natsu is a child, then the others must be..." Erza explained.

"Gray-sama is a baby too!" Juvia squeaked as she held the raven haired toddler in her hands.

"L-Let go of me!" The boy shouted as a pair of loose pants hung covering his...particular parts.

"Look at this!" Wendy called out as she saw Gajeel walk out if his feathery cloak.

"Eh? Everyone is shorter now" he growled.

"Aww Gajeel looks so cute." Levy giggled, her eyes sparkling

"Ehh? Shut up bookworm!" The red eyed boy growled.

Mirajane was holding Freed in her arms as he was wrapped up with his red trench coat. "Freed turned into a kid too." She sighed

Everyone was now staring at Laxas's clothes waiting to see what the Lightning Dragon Slayer might look like. They watched as his fur trench coat shuffled and a small boy stepped out, the jacket too big for his small arms.

All the girls awed as he did a gentle sneeze. Unlike the other boys that changed he looked about 2 or 3 yrs old.

The spiky haired blonde was surprised as Lissana picked him up and squeezed him tight.

"Aww Laxas looks cuter than the rest!" She squealed.

"Shut up! Don't make me hurt you!' He growled as tried to make sparks come off his body. His attempts failed as a little shock of light popped and quickly disappeared. Lissana only laughed as she walked over to the takeover mage.

The girls placed the newly aged toddlers on the counter.

Erza inspected the boys as they looked at each other.

"Haha the salamander turned into a little brat." Gajeel sneered.

"Ehh? That goes for you too!" Natsu pointed.

"Shut up you two!" Laxas growled. "We've all turned into brats!" The lightning mage crossed his arms.

"It looks like the 5 of you drank most of the stuff inside the bottle." Lucy pondered.

Levy nodded. "I think I could figure out what was inside those bottles if I had a sample."

Erza sighed. "The master will be gone for a while for the Magic Council Meeting. We will have to take matters into our own hands."

"So what do we do with them?" Lissana asked.

"Well they can't go home like this." Mira sighed, resting her head on her hand. "I guess I can watch over them."

"No Mira there's no way you can watch all of them!" Lucy disagreed. "Let me help!"

"Yah sis! I can help too!" Lissana agreed.

"I'll help too!" Cana laughed loudly.

"Not when your drunk..." Bixslow sweat dropped.

"I don't need someone to take care of me!" Gajeel yelled.

"Yah just because we're small dosen't mean I can't handle myself!" Gray retorted.

"Silence!" Erza glared at the two boys sending shivers down their spine.

The scarlet mage looked at Lucy who flinched. "Lucy will take care of Natsu since we are on the same team."

"Juvia will take care if Gray-sama!" The water Mage shouted as she ran towards him.

Gray panicked. "I-I think we should listen to Erza and stay with our team!" He said quickly hoping to at least be with Lucy.

"It makes sense," Erza nodded. "I shall watch Gray."

"Err never mind! I'll stick with Juvia..." Gray sweat dropped.

Mira nodded." I guess I'll take Freed." She giggled as the short green haired boy had fallen asleep in her arms.

That left Laxas and Gajeel waiting on the counter. Both with their arms crossed and angry.

"I guess I can watch Gajeel..." Levy sighed, making the iron dragon slayer snort.

"Like I'm gonna let a bookworm watch me!" He cackled.

Lily scolded him. "That's no way to treat someone Gajeel."

The black haired Mage just scoffed.

"That leaves Laxas." Lissana smiled. "I guess I'll take care of him."

Erza nodded. "That takes care of that. I'm going to go to the Council to find the master. Everyone will stay out of trouble." She glared at Natsu and Gray who swallowed hard.

As the requip Mage left the guild, everyone else was left with the toddlers.

"I guess I should head home too" Lucy sighed as Happy and Natsu followed her out.


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