8. Blizzards and Rainy Days

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As the first day of being a toddler went well for the fire dragon slayer, things haven't been so well with the ice mage and water women. This ice mage being Lyon who sat jealously by Juvia and Gray who were eating together. Gray sent Lyon a smirk as Juvia fed him soup and happily enjoyed it.

Gray was having the time of his life. Sure this was a little humiliating but to see the look on his senor's face was worth it. Lyon looked ready to strangle the boy and was practically seeping with rage. Juvia of course was too love struck to even noticed the tension between the two ice mages. Taking care of little Gray was something out of her wildest dreams. 

"Does Gray-sama want anything else to eat?" Juvia asked exited for another chance to be near him. 

Gray shook his head. " Thanks Juvia!" He flashed a cute childish grin. " Can we go into the living room? I'm getting tired." 

Juvia quickly nodded before speeding out of the kitchen, leaving the two pupils together. 

"You're horrid." Lyon finally spoke. " Taking advantage of Juvia- chan like that."

Gray just scoffed. " Can't handle the fact that Juvia loves me and not you?" 

Lyon stood up. "Why you- How dare you talk to your senor like that!" He glared at the raven haired boy.  " I ought to kick your little childish ass right now!" 

Gray stood up on the chair and puffed out his chest. " Bring it Lyon. I can beat you even in this form." 

The two boys were getting into their signature position before they were interrupted by screaming in the distance. Confused the two boys looked out the window. 

"That kinda sounded like Laxas.." Gray sweat dropped. Lyon just nodded slowly. " I wonder what's happening..."  

"Gray- sama! Juvia is waiting!" The water mage called out lovestruck. 

Lyon went back to glaring angrily at his rival. Gray just smirked and walked out the kitchen. Lyon did a long sigh before slowly dragging himself to the living room where he would be induced with more torture. 

As Lyon walked in, Gray was already sitting next to Juvia on the couch looking interested in a story she was reading. 

Surprisingly to Gray he was actually dozing off to a ridiculous story about a beast and a traveler. Lyon noticed too and the anger he felt was quickly replaced with a slight concern. Gray wasn't acting anymore. In a way he had actually been behaving like an actual toddler. 

However gray was too tired to notice. All he wanted to do was listen to the story and fall asleep. In a way he didn't want to go to sleep, but the sound of Juvia's voice was somewhat warming to him; like how Ur would sing him asleep. 

Even though Juvia didn't notice. Lyon watched intently. Something was changing and it made him feel uneasy. 

A/N: Hey Guys I honestly haven't been updating for months on end so I apologize. This week has been my catching up month. Any who I have something to ask you guys for fun I guess. The cover of this story is getting kinda old and I wanted to change it. If anyone wants to do one for me, they can help me write the next chapter with their ideas and such. Thanks for staying with this story guys! I really appreciate it! ^_^  I will be coming back! Again 1000 reads for this story is pretty good. Thanks! Loves you guys! 


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