7. A Lost Dragon

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"Natsu!" Lucy whined. "Happy! Where are you guys?!"

The blond mage walked aimlessly all over the mall in search of the pint sized dragon slayer and blue cat. Despite all the people she had asked, nobody caught sight of the duo.

"Damn it, I'm gonna kill them..." She muttered before calling out one of her spirits. " Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"

There was a small poof and the pink haired spirit appeared. "Is it time for punishment, princess?" She bowed.

"This isnt the time for that!" Lucy sweat dropped. " Can you help find Natsu and Happy?"

" As you wish princess" Virgo bowed. "I shall find them quickly."

Without another word Virgo burrowed into the ground, leaving a gaping hole in the ground. Lucy panicked as people walked over to see a huge whole in the middle of the mall, and pretended to act natural. After a while of walking around acting nonchalant, the blond sat by a nearby bench.

Moments later, Lucy could see Natsu and Happy but..... tied up with a jump rope. Lucy could hear the muffled complaints coming from the small pink haired boy.

" I have brought the trouble makers princess, shall I receive punishment now?" Virgo suggested.

"No! No! That's fine! Thank you very much Virgo!" Lucy smiled nervously as Virgo returned to the Spirit World.

" Mmmuuuuccccyyyy" Natsu muffled, still completely tied up mouth covered. " Taaaaake it ophhhhh!" Happy nodded quickly sobbing.

"That's what you two get for walking off like that!" She scolded." Especially since we came here to buy you clothes."

"We'rre sowwwwy" Natsu and Happy mumbled. Lucy sighed as she began to untie them.

"It was Natsu's fault!" Happy immediately pointed. " He made me follow him into the toy store."

"Hey! You looked at all the fish toys too! " Natsu shot back. " Besides look at all these toys I took" He grinned happily, showing Lucy his new things.

"Arn't those the newest models? How did you pay for all those?" Lucy looked at him questionably.

"Pay? What are you talking about? The man inside told all the adults to pick out whatever is on the shelves." Natsu said innocently as he played with one of the magic toys.

"That's what they say to the parents who have MONEY!" Lucy yelled as she smacked his head. "You can't just take that! It's stealing! We have to take it back!"

"No way! Just pay for them. I don't want some other kid to get them." The boy pouted as he held his toys possessively.

'Oh great he's in this phase...' Lucy thought. "No Natsu! I'm serious. No Toys."

"But Luuuuuucy" he begged. "Please! They're soooooo cooool."

The mage just shook her head. " I said no, I already spent 2 months rent on you."

Natsu pouted and sat on the ground stubbornly. " No I want them all."

Lucy's eyebrow twitched irritably. " I'm gonna count to three and you're going to get up and take the toys back to the store."

"No!" He shouted, crossing his arms.





Two and a half........

Natsu shook his head. Lucy sighed defeated. " Fine I'll buy one.."

"Buy three." Natsu glared at her.

"I'll buy two."

Natsu smiled. " 'Kay"

Lucy sighed and rubbed her temples. " There goes shopping with Levy this month... and maybe food too..."

As they walked to the toy shop Natsu picked out obviously a toy dragon and a robot, which unfortunately cost almost as much as the dragon slayer's clothes.

"Are you happy now?" Lucy mumbled as she glared at the satisfied dragon slayer. Natsu nodded.

"Thanks Luce!" He joyfully grinned, making her blush. " It's nothing..." She mumbled

On their way home Lucy jumped into her bed. It had been a whole day and Natsu was still a small child. The worst part was that he was now having toddler urges and interests. This worried her, maybe this potion could be permanent. she would have to see Erza's progress tomorrow.

The celestial mage looked over to the pinkette whom was sleeping soundly on the carpet, dragon stuffed animal safely tucked in his arms. Lucy smiled warmly. Still having a child was rewarding, even if it was her teamate.

Lucy scooped up the small boy and placed him on her couch, tucking him in with a nearby blanket.

"Goodnight Natsu.." She giggled before heading to bed.

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