9. Progress

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The next day, everyone visited the guild. Erza apparently had been spending time at the guild for 3 straight days, working nonstop to find the secrets inside the bottles.

Lucy and Natsu walked in, as they were greeted by Mira.

"Hi guys! Can I get you something?"

Lucy shook her head solemnly. " I can't even afford food this month..."

Mira looked at her in confusion. "Already? I thought you recently saved enough to pay for the next 3 months?"

Lucy sighed heavily as she rested her head on the counter. "I DID. Stupid Natsu had to whine and complain for this new toy he wanted...."

The takeover Mage glanced over as Laxas stared at Natsu's robot toy in envy.

"You know Laxas had been more interested in toys too."

Lucy looked at her. "Really? You noticed too?"

Mira nodded. "The other day I saw him glaring at this little boy's toy like a hungry lion. For a minute I thought for sure that he would snag it."

Lucy's eyebrows furrowed. "Yah, Natsu wouldn't let go of the other toys he took yesterday either. This might be getting serious."

The girl's thoughts were interrupted by nearby bickering as the turned around.

Lyon, Gray, and Juvia stood by the gate, apparently in a serious conflict.

"Knock it off Lyon! I'm not playing anymore! Don't be stupid."

"Your behavior is different. You are acting like an actual child!"

Gray crossed his arms. "No! I think you're just jealous!"

Before Lyon could retort , Gray had already ran back to his guild mates.

"Lyon. Juvia. Come over here." Mira called over as the two walked up to the bar.

"Is Gray acting strange for you guys too?" Lucy asked.

Juvia just looked at her feet in concern.

Lyon nodded. "Gray is acting more like a child than he did before. Before we got here he made this big hissy fit over a snow cone."

Mira scratched her chin in confusion. "That sounds about right."

"Did Scarlet find anything about the potions?" Lyon asked. "If things are getting worse than she should have something."

"Speaking of Erza where is she?" Lucy pondered as they looked around.

"I saw her around a few minutes ago. she might just be resting, she has been at it for 3 days straight. " Mira smiled. "We have to wait for everyone else to come anyway."


After a morning discussion, Levy showed up with Gajeel and Lily by her heels.

"Sorry guys!" Gajeel wouldn't get up this morning" The script Mage bowed, embarrassed.

"It fine Levy!" Mira reassured.

"It wasn't my fault! You made me stay up late!" Gajeel growled.

"You didn't want to sleep!" The girl fumed back. "After I read to you, you got out of bed and wouldn't sleep!

Gajeel just pouted and sat in the ground. Levy groaned in frustration as she sat on the bar stool.

"At least everyone is here!.." Mira smiled ,trying to stay positive. "Now we have Erza to show up."

Everyone nodded as they waited for the scarlet Mage to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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