2. Dragons and Celestial Mages

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Lucy was walking along the small canal that always seemed to lead her back home. Of course this time she was accompanied by the newly adolescent, pink haired, dragon slayer dragging along behind her. Hovering over him was his loyal partner who was happily eating a fish.

"Luuuuuucy!" Natsu whined. "How far is it?"

Lucy turned around and looked behind her shoulder.

"It's not that far. What's wrong? You never complain about this before?" The blonde sighed.

"That's cause I'm a little kid!" Natsu yelled angrily. Lucy only laughed because it just looked like the salamander was having a tantrum.

"What are you laughing about!?" Natsu fumed.

"You look like a little kid Natsu!" Happy answered holding in his laugh.

"Well he is one technically," Lucy smiled. "Do you want me to carry you then?"

"I don't need to be carried." Natsu crossed his arms. "I can do it myself!"

"She liiiiiiiikes you!" Happy exclaimed.

"Do not!" Lucy yelled.

Natsu ignored the two and continued walking. Being a toddler sucked ass. He hated it and the fact that Gray and Everyone else turned young too made him feel better. Sure he could use magic but the level was completely different. He could barely make a small flame. Pathetic. The small boy continued to walk down the paved road while Lucy and Happy continued bickering behind him.

Moments later they reached Lucy's apartment and Natsu ran toward the mage's bed. The pinkette sighed as he belly flopped on top of the fluffy comforter.

"Oi Natsu! Don't jump on my bed!" Lucy scolded but groaned as the small boy fell asleep, snoring away. Lucy whined, even as a child Natsu was still a handful.

"Nhh Igneel..... Where'd you go?.." The boys voice trailed off.

"Natsu is dreaming about his dad again..." Happy mumbled sadly.

"His.... Dad?" Lucy said softly. Happy nodded. The blonde looked at the small dragon slayer softly talking in his sleep. His face contorted making it look like he was having a sad dream.

"Lucy.... Can you do something?" Happy whined as he flew into her chest. The celestial Mage nodded as she hugged the blue cat close. "I'll try."

Happy let go and flew over to Natsu, landing on the pillow across from him. Lucy followed him, and gently sat down next to the squirming young boy. She reached her hand over his hair but hesitated. This was okay right? It's not like she liked him it anything..... Well not like how he was right now.

Lucy gently ran her hands through his surprisingly soft hair, watching as the boy shifted to a calmer state of sleep. Natsu unintentionally nuzzle his head into her lap as Lucy giggled and continued stroking his hair. She had to admit it. Little Natsu looked adorbs! She looked at Happy who was asleep himself. It made sense, seeing Natsu turn into a toddler must have been shocking for him too. Lucy looked at her clock. It was around 5:00, not late yet. Maybe she still had time to do some clothes shopping. Not for herself of course, but for the dragon slayer. There was no way his clothes would fit the way he was. Ehh maybe tomorrow, since everything was quiet Lucy decided to write some of her novel. 'I wonder what the others are up to' she thought before writing in her stationary.

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