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Much how many of these chapters have began, the Interceptor and its crew were flying through space. However this time, they had a destination, the lighthouse. Everyone was ready, as this could be the moment that would define if the Invasion of the Red Lantern Corps would begin their assault. And like always, Razer was being a downer;

"That you could agree with this course of action astounds me" he sighed with crossed arms. Spinning his chair a 180 degrees to face Hal, "It's a fool's errand" he added. 

"Saving lives is never a fool's errand" Hal began. "We can get to the Lighthouse before Atrocitus does" he reasoned, as he and Razer had been going back and fourth for several minutes. 

"But the ship's Ultrawarp drives are almost fixed" Razer shot back, growing slightly annoyed. 

"In fact, they are 99.62% complete" Aya butted in. "And will be fully operational within hours" she added. 

"We should return to Oa, then we engage Atrocitus' fleet with reinforcements" the Red Lantern argued. Trying to come up with a formal plan of attack, thinking like a military man. 

"By that time we could lose countless worlds and millions of lives" (Y/N) got into the argument. "I agree with Hal, we destroy this Lighthouse, if we do. We might not even need to fight a war" finished, getting a nod from the Captain. 

"If we seal off that gateway, we keep the two sides apart. They can't get at each other and no one gets killed, see?" Kilowog reasoned, turning in his own chair. 

"Oh yes" the Red sighed, rolling his eyes. "What could possibly go wrong?". 

"Always the man of positivity and lifting spirits aren't you Razer?" (Y/N) joked, turning in his seat to get back to work. His little joke earning a small chuckle from Kilowog and narrowed eyes from the Red himself. As (Y/N) typed away, fluctuating the power between engines and shields, he rubbed his right wrist slightly. There was a slight, stinging pain coming from the bracelet. It wasn't anything too serious, just something getting on his nerves. 


The Interceptor was fast approaching a field of asteroids, which separated Guardian space. (Y/N) couldn't believe his eyes, these asteroids seemed to go on for miles. A massive shield wall comprised of rock, nothing on Daxam had ever picked up anything like this. It was a wondrous sight for sure. 

"We have arrived at the Coordinates to activate the Lighthouse" Aya informed the four organic beings. 

"I hope the code Byth Rok gave us works, otherwise it's gonna be a bumpy ride" Kilowog scowled, seemed a bit of Razer had rubbed off on him. 

"Having to count on the word of a scoundrel, is one of many reasons to not be here" Razer sighed once again, being a sunshine of positivity. 

"Birdman couldn't lie" Kilowog stated, pointing to his own forehead. "The code was picked right out of his head". 

"He did seem like the kinda person to lie to himself" (Y/N) said shrugging his shoulders. 

"No use talking about it" Hal finished, cutting anyone else off before more arguments could be made. "Input the code" he ordered to Aya. 

The AI began to type away. "Code phrase Red Dwarf, Born of Galman Nebula uploaded and ready to be broadcast in its Galactic 6 numerical equivalent".

'Whatever does any of that mean?' (Y/N) thought to himself, as he saw the code being broadcast through the asteroid field. A blue swirl, of puling circles was fired from the Interceptor, slowing fading into the rocks. The circles growing bigger as they traveled then dispersed. There was a brief pause, everyone thinking that the code had failed, then within the field, a blow light was lit up for all to see. A large amount of the asteroids began to separate, being spread apart by large moon sized blue swirls. It was a mesmerising sight, almost hypnotic. 

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