Visit to Mr. stark. (Chapter 3)

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Stark industries.

I woke up an hour before my assigned time sprawled across my bed, that wasn't the point. "Good morning Y/n." Khonshu said as I got changed into (your choice of clothes) quickly.
"Morning to you too Khonshu, ready to pull this off?" I asked before grabbing my keys.
". . . Yes." Khonshu said obviously still hesitant about my actions and reaction towards this all. I was on the bus to take a shortcut towards stark industries when the bus stopped signalling for people to get off. I had gotten off seeing the wall separating stark industries and the rest of NYC, and I was getting in how? "Uh. How do I get in." I asked Khonshu
"It's a bridge idiot. Jump." Khonshu said
"Seems a little suicidal." I joked as Khonshu chuckled, that's a rare occurrence.
"Just jump." Khonshu stated as I looked down making sure no one was around me before I did what I didn't want to do. I hopped onto the edge of the cement wall and let myself drop onto the ground, I then looked at a gate and groaned.
"Huh. That's a better alternative." Khonshu stated as I laughed a bit going towards the giant glass door.

"Uhm." I mumbled looking towards the many agents who stared at me until one came over. "I assume you are Y/n Y/l/n. Am I correct?" The agent said as she greeted me and I nodded, people... "your at just the right place! Welcome to stark industries! If you proceed down the hallway you'll be met with an elevator! Go up it, only one floor to that specific elevator." She said walking me in as I began to feel on edge.
"I don't trust this." Khonshu stated
"I feel you on that one." I replied
The elevator began going up
"There is moonstone." Khonshu stated
this place just got creepier and creepier, how could people like this? I looked over seeing the elevator door open, the room was empty.
"Careful Y/n. Anything could be lying around here waiting here." Khonshu said
"Yup." I replied stepping out of the elevator to be met with a man who said "greetings! I'm happy of stark industries. And your Y/n Y/l/n we have been wanting to see you, take a seat. The avengers will arrive soon!" Happy seemed, well, happy... I sat down and heard an elevator dinging "shit."

"That was unbearable." Tony stark said walking out of the elevator with Bruce banner, only reason I knew all there names is because they have been all over NYC lately. "Your unbearable." Nat said walking towards a table as she smiled taking a glass of water.
"They seem "lovely"" Khonshu stated
"Sarcasm. That's a new one." I mumbled
They finally seemed to notice me as captain America said "are we not gonna address the guest in the room?" Leaning onto the table.
"Uhm." Bruce said looking over as I kept a straight face, "that's right! Welcome Y/n, to stark towers." Tony said as I spotted Thor holding mjolnir, that's made up of moonstone.
"Don't trust a word they say." Khonshu said as I nodded before looking back at the little group staring at me, "J.A.R.V.I.S? Please show us footage." Tony said as I cocked my head towards the screen, this is gonna end badly. The video played showing me at first and then me shifting into what Khonshu likes to call the "Mr. Knight suit.". The video ended with it showing the suit Landing on two feet holding a truncheon,
"My only question. What the hell are you." Asked Tony.

"Hah. About thatttt." I stalled as captain America furrowed his eye brows with nat just staring, "Explanation please." They urged.
"You are khonshu's avatar. You mustn't tell them anything." Khonshu ordered
I'd obey by saying "I cannot tell you. Your out of luck." Tony looked surprised as captain America locked eyes with every avenger in the room. "Shouldn't we understand them though? It's not our place to push them." A kid in the back said, looked like Spider man so let's go with that. "Hate to agree but the kids right. As much as I'd like an explanation some Things just go." Bruce said smiling looking around the room as nat said "then it's settled. We don't want anything out of you.", that hurt.
"Idiotic imbeciles." Khonshu commented as I smirked at the comment. "At least can we see your suit and weapons?!" Spider man blurted as nat laughed "that's impulsive. Up to you." Tony said. "Ehh. Well I can't really shift into it now. I'd need some sort of real life and death battle." I said and i could hear Khonshu mentally face palming although having no head, just a birds beak. "May I battle the mortal?" Asked Thor, perfect opponent.

Word count: 811 words

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