Secrets spilled. (Chapter 8)

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This is in khonshu's pov!

I had told them to be careful and what do they do? Take on more then they can handle, great.
I saw Guards rushing towards the commotion, do they ever end? With a large gust of wind following a tornado like swirl I had appeared which I imagine must have been startling to see a 9'2 figure with a bird skull that looked mummified, people get scared easily. "What the hell?!" A guard exclaimed as I looked down at the currently passed out Y/n.
"You cannot be this stupid." I exclaimed
I looked off into the distance to see the hero they call "captain America" not really protecting anything, just staring. Might as well do the rescuing of moon knight myself, It was an easy win for me considering I was 4x their size. It was bloody nonetheless as I slit the last agents throat in two decapitating him
"That was pathetic. Wonder how my own avatar was knocked unconscious by them if I beat one with just a slit through the throat." I said
It seemed the avengers around us were shocked by my appearance. I looked down at Y/n as they bled from both legs, how fun.

My skull made a cracking noise as I tilted my head slightly to examine them.
"You idiot." I insulted
I had picked them up and to my surprise they were quite heavy for a 31 year old adult.
"When you swore to protect the travellers of the night I wonder if you thought I meant get hit by bullets and then do it." I said
I rolled my eyes as I looked on into the distance seeing the four in the same exact spot. Bucky was still holding his gun as I held my staff and held Y/n at the same time.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." I cackled
"What the hell are you." Cap said as Natasha said "and what is it between you and Y/n."
"Glad you asked. Both of those questions won't be answered." I stated
The little archer looked up and set his arrows down before saying "Uhm. Bruce, Tony and strange. You might wanna make an extra two coffees for the each of you."
"Look, you mere mortals in shock of being in my presence." I had stated
The winter soldier set his gun down as I stared at the sudden movement.

"No time for identity revealing. We'll speak about it back where we are all safe." Steve rogers said as I teleported all of us back, walking was for the weak.
"Now that we're in a "safe" area. What must we discuss." I had stated
The room had gone quiet as the two odinsons stared in shock as Tony stark and bruce banner shared a look. Dr. Strange seemed to stare regularly which hadn't surprised me considering I had leeched his powers at least once already, "Happy to make you acquaintance." Dr. Strange said hesitantly.
"May I introduce myself. I am Khonshu, god of the moon and most importantly vengeance." I said
"Another God? Could this day get any more confusing!?" Mr. Stark exclaimed as Bruce laughed quietly. "Khonshu." Thor said dipping his head in a "hello" sort of way.
I wonder if anyone noticed Y/n's slow but affective healing, either way they weren't very observant. "What is your relation to Y/n." Wanda asked as I tilted my head in amusement
"Ah, me and Y/n go way back. To when they were seven. Good time." I remarked,
I annoyed them by doing so which had amused me oddly enough.

The odinsons were oddly quiet. "Didn't answer the question." Clint stated
"I am not answering." I stated
"Huh. We have no use for you here and I bet Y/n doesn't either." Steve rogers said as dust fell off of the parts of my clothing that were mummified.
"You are not to question the need for anyone or I will have you sent to the underworld my self." I threatened
Clenching my staff ready to teleport at any minute. I looked over at the body in my hands, Y/n would kill to see this moment.
"Look. We don't want to start any fights. Steve, there's a god in our presence. Khonshu I believe, Y/n will come out unharmed." Vision proposed as my skull clacked.
"I need no help from a couple of play pretend heroes trying to live up to another's expectations." I said coldly
"Let's recap. The god has Y/n under their control and wont answer to our questions so we just ignore it and move on?" Sam said crossing his arms looking over in disappointment, this was getting boring. I had teleported to another part of the room where it was less brighter and more dull.

Word count: 814 words

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