Battles. (Chapter 4)

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We stepped outside into what seemed like a weird arena sort of thing.
"I hate this idea of yours. But for my reputation as god of the moon and vengeance you must win." Khonshu hissed "yeah, yeah. His hammer is moonstone so I think I can manage." I mumbled turning away from the avengers, I kinda regretted saying yes to this offer. "Make it fair. Don't want any deaths today." Tony said sitting down as nat crossed her arms. "Whenever your ready!" Cap stated as I just stared blankly ready too battle.
"Kill him." Khonshu ordered
"I'm not gonna kill him!" I said rolling my eyes,
Obviously I wasn't paying attention when that humongous lightning bolts hit the ground around me. "Not gonna lie! Kinda regretting this!" I stated looking over to some newly arrived guests, they were Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, vision and Wanda. The lightning kept striking and I wasn't in my suit which was really bad, I think lightning can kill you, just a theory though.
"This is humiliating." Said Khonshu
"Let me get prepared!" I argued
Since it was a cage of lightning I found a way out although it was a very slim opening towards safety.

"Don't just stand there." Khonshu said
"I need the right moment." I replied
I looked over at the others watching and I looked back at the opening, now. I shifted into my suit wielding crescent darts and an ankh, I don't really know what the ankh did exactly but it looked cool. I was finally out of the lightning.
"Kill him." Khonshu stated once more
"First of all. No. Second of all. No." I mumbled
Thor seemed to charge at me and it was really awkward, is he trying to go easy? I threw a crescent dart towards thors neck as a warning shot and it graced the side causing a cut along it, "Uhm. Is he okay?" I asked myself but quickly got back into the fight. I have no idea what the ankhs do considering I never had chosen to use them but today I'll learn, I held the ankh and the lightning had stopped, why?
Thor got to me and tried to body slam me on the ground and it worked, one problem, being moonknight came with strength perks. He had me pinned for a couple minutes before I grasped a single crescent dart and cut him swiftly.

"That's gotta hurt!" I exclaimed
"This battle is boring." Khonshu said
"Says the one who rarely laughs." I mocked, I looked at the ankh which was now glowing a bright gold. With a free hand I put Thor in a chokehold causing him to immediately pull away while I had the chance to get back up. "Call it off! Call it off!" Cap said as I dusted myself off leaving Thor wondering where the lightning was. "That was... disturbing." Peter said taking off his mask as I fixed my collar holding the ankh still. "Thors lighting just disappeared. Anyone gonna address that?" Tony said as I looked at the glowing ankh, "ohhhhh. This does some sort of leech thing?" I questioned as nat said "you don't know what most weapons of yours do?" I smiled awkwardly and said "Hah. I've only had these for so long." Bucky the ex winter soldier then walked up and stared
"Uhm. Khonshu. A little help here?" I asked
as I held the ankh
"Your like a child, clueless." Khonshu said
Me and Khonshu had friendly banter and arguments, if one hurt the other in any way there would being apologizing although Khonshu shows affection weirdly.

I looked back down at the ankhs which dimmed drastically, then a spark came from Thor's hammer. "Phew! Close call there. Thought we lost Thor's godly stuff." Sam said putting his arms on his hips as Bucky rolled his eyes. "Huh. I'll keep the ankhs in the my go-to Column." I said noting it in my head happily. Tony looked over and noted "your suit and weapons have had lots of moon related things." Nat nodded as I shifted back into my regular clothing, shifting back into myself from moon knight was tiring nonetheless. "Oh. About that. Uhm. Yeah I guess I have a lot in common with the moon." I lied as Thor shook my hand and said "wonderful battle Y/n Y/l/n" I nodded awkwardly considering a few minutes ago I took his lightning but I don't think that was relevant. "Why can't I read your mind?." Wanda tilted her head and asked as I too wondered why she couldn't do it, "you can't?" Vision asked seeming confused also about it.
"Your welcome." Khonshu stated
"Thank you?" I responded while mumbling
I didn't know Khonshu had the ability to stop people from using telepathy on me.

Word count: 809 words

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