.Chapter 1.

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I sat down in my seat, placing my folders and books gently onto the desk. I patted the non-existent dust off and skirt and placed my hands on my lap. The teacher stood at the front of the class, talking about the founder's of ancient Rome. Usually I wasn't interested in history but this, this was cool. Just then Scarlett opened the classroom door, trying to be as quiet as possible. The teacher looked over at her and rolled her eyes.

"Glad you decided to join us miss Scarlett" Scarlett just smiled at her awkwardly, putting a strand of her long black hair behind her ear. The teacher shook her head and pointed to her seat, right next to mine. "Go sit" Scarlett nodded and quickly made her way over to her seat. She slammed her books and folders onto her desk and quickly sat down. The teacher looked back and the board and continued to talk. "So why were you late?" I asked, looking at her. "My car wouldn't start up" she whispered. I rolled my eyes and looked back up at the teacher. "The assignment is assignment 17, you can work with a partner if you want to" The teacher finished, walking back over to her desk. I looked at Scarlett. She smiled and scooted her desk next to mine. "Ok so..."

"I'm so glad that class is finally over" Scarlett said grabbing her folders and books off the desk. "Why do you not like social studies?"

"Why don't you like math?" "...Touche" "I don't think that's how you-" "CHOLE!!" Me and Scarlett looked over at our friend, Mary. She was running down the hallway towards us. "Hey Mary, what's up?" I asked as she caught her breath. "Carlos is flirting with the emo dude!" She yelled. "Again? Geesh someone's desperate" I mumbled. She let out a breathy chuckle and ran in the other direction. "I'll see you in fourth hour, ok?" I looked over at Scarlett. She nodded her head and walked off. I chased after Mary, eventually ending up infront of the gym doors.

"There he is!" Mary said pointing to him. And there he was, pinning the boy against the wall. I face palmed and walked over. "Uh Carlos?" He jumped at the sound of my voice and turned around. "O-oh, hey Chloe!" He stuttered. I rolled my eyes and dragged him over by Mary. "Carlos! How many times have we told you? That kid is a bad influence!" Carlos just rolled his eyes and walked off. Mary groaned and followed behind him. I giggled and followed the both of them.

"Carlos, you really need to stop flirting with guys in your league" Mary said putting her hands on her hips. "And you need to stop flirting with every guy out fo your league" He replied smirking. She gasped and crossed her arms, "You are so rude!" Carlos shrugged and walked over to a random guy in the hall. "And there he goes again" I said standing next to Mary. "He is so desperate" She said frowning. "You know, your only saying that because you love him~" I teased. "Shh! Don't say it out loud, I don't want him to hear" she whisper-yelled at me. "Why not? It's about time you tell him"

"Because he's gay" "Mary, He's Bisexual" "What is that?" I sighed and shook what head. "What is it?" She asked again. "It means ya like the D and the P" Gigi said walking over towards us. "Huh?" "Oh my, he likes guys AND girls" She said dramatically. "Ohhhh" Just then, the bell rang.

"Welp there's the bell, see ya guys at lunch!" I said running off to my class. "See you at the table!!!" My friends yelled in the distance.

"Where is she?" I asked myself looking around. I started walking down the hall where her locker is. Yet she was no where to be found. "Scarlett? Did they push you in a locker?" I whispered into her locker.


I jumped at the sudden nosie of my phone. I grabbed it out of my pocket and turned it on. It was a text from her. It read:

"Hey baby! Sorry I didn't tell you but I had a doctors appointment right after 1st hour. Again sorry for not saying anything, Love you"

"A doctor's appointment..?" I mumbled to myself. I shrugged and put my phone back in my pocket. 'I guess I can tell her after school' I thought to myself as I walked back down the hall towards my class.

Words: 765

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